
Draws a straight line to the specified absolute coordinates.

Example - Draw a straight path

<div id="surface" style="width: 250px; height: 250px;"></div>
    var draw = kendo.drawing;
    var geom = kendo.geometry;

    var path = new draw.Path()
        .moveTo(100, 200);

    // The following commands are interchangeable
    path.lineTo(200, 200);
    path.lineTo([200, 200]);
    path.lineTo(new geom.Point(200, 200));

    var surface = draw.Surface.create($("#surface"));


x Number|Array|kendo.geometry.PointThe line end X coordinate or a Point/Array with X and Y coordinates.
y Number optionalThe line end Y coordinate.

Optional if the first parameter is a Point/Array.

Returnskendo.drawing.Path The current instance to allow chaining.

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