Implement Fiddler Classic Interfaces

Implement Fiddler Classic interfaces to load your assembly during Fiddler Classic execution.

Load Extension During Startup

Public classes in your assembly that implement the IFiddlerExtension interface will be loaded by Fiddler Classic during startup.

    public interface IFiddlerExtension
      // Called when Fiddler Classic User Interface is fully available
      void OnLoad();

      // Called when Fiddler Classic is shutting down
      void OnBeforeUnload();
  • The OnLoad function will be called when Fiddler Classic has finished loading and its UI is fully available. At this point, you can safely add menu items, tabbed pages, or other elements to the Fiddler Classic UI.

  • The OnBeforeUnload function will be called when Fiddler Classic is shutting down and unloading all extensions.

Call Extension for Each Web Request

  • Extensions that implement the IAutoTamper interface (which extends IFiddlerExtension) are called for each HTTP/HTTPS request and response, enabling modifications, logging, or other operations.

    Warning: Functions in this interface are called on background, non-UI threads. To update UI, use Invoke or BeginInvoke to update the UI. Also, note that the IAutoTamper::* functions may be called before the OnLoad event is called-- Fiddler Classic allows traffic to flow before the UI is fully available.

      public interface IAutoTamper : IFiddlerExtension
        // Called before the user can edit a request using the Fiddler Classic Inspectors
        void AutoTamperRequestBefore(Session oSession);
        // Called after the user has had the chance to edit the request using the Fiddler Classic Inspectors, but before the request is sent
        void AutoTamperRequestAfter(Session oSession);
        // Called before the user can edit a response using the Fiddler Classic Inspectors, unless streaming.
        void AutoTamperResponseBefore(Session oSession);
        // Called after the user edited a response using the Fiddler Classic Inspectors.  Not called when streaming.
        void AutoTamperResponseAfter(Session oSession);
        // Called Fiddler returns a self-generated HTTP error (for instance DNS lookup failed, etc)
        void OnBeforeReturningError(Session oSession);
  • Extensions that implement the IAutoTamper2 interface (which extends IAutoTamper) are called when the response headers become available.

    /// <summary>
    /// Interface for AutoTamper extensions that want to "peek" at response headers
    /// </summary>
    public interface IAutoTamper2 : IAutoTamper
    /// <summary>
    /// Called when the response headers become available
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="oSession">The Session object for which the response headers are available</param>
    void OnPeekAtResponseHeaders(Session oSession);
  • Extensions that implement the IAutoTamper3 interface (which extends IAutoTamper2) are called when the request headers become available.

    /// <summary>
    /// Interface for AutoTamper extensions that want to "peek" at request headers
    /// </summary>
    public interface IAutoTamper3 : IAutoTamper2
    /// <summary>
    /// Called when the request headers become available
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="oSession">The Session object for which the request headers are available</param>
    void OnPeekAtRequestHeaders(Session oSession);

Call Extension When User Enters a QuickExec Command

  • Extensions that implement the IHandleExecAction interface are called when the user has entered a command into the QuickExec box. To react to the command (and prevent further processing by other extensions and Fiddler Classic itself) return true from this method.

    public interface IHandleExecAction
      // return TRUE if handled. 
      bool OnExecAction(string sCommand); 
  • The Fiddler.Utilities class includes a helper function Parameterize() which helps to interpret the sCommand parameter.

    [CodeDescription("Tokenize a string into tokens. Delimits on whitespace; Quotation marks are dropped unless preceded by a \ character.")] 
    public static string[] Parameterize(string sCommand)