Build a Custom Importer or Exporter

Sample Extension

  1. Create a Fiddler Classic extension project.

  2. Modify the default class1.cs (or create a new class) in your project as follows:

    using System;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using Fiddler;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Reflection;
    [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
    [assembly: Fiddler.RequiredVersion("")]
    [ProfferFormat("TAB-Separated Values", "Session List in Tab-Delimited Format")]
    [ProfferFormat("Comma-Separated Values", 
        "Session List in Comma-Delimited Format; import into Excel or other tools")]
    public class CSVTranscoder: ISessionExporter  // Ensure class is public, or Fiddler Classic won't see it!
      public bool ExportSessions(string sFormat, Session[] oSessions, Dictionary<string, object> dictOptions,
          EventHandler<ProgressCallbackEventArgs> evtProgressNotifications)
        bool bResult = false; 
        string chSplit;
        // Determine if we already have a filename from the dictOptions collection
        string sFilename = null;
        if (null != dictOptions && dictOptions.ContainsKey("Filename"))
          sFilename = dictOptions["Filename"] as string;
        if (sFormat == "Comma-Separated Values")
          chSplit = ",";
          if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sFilename)) sFilename = Fiddler.Utilities.ObtainSaveFilename("Export As " + sFormat, "CSV Files (*.csv)|*.csv");
          chSplit = "\t";
          if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sFilename)) sFilename = Fiddler.Utilities.ObtainSaveFilename("Export As " + sFormat, "TSV Files (*.tsv)|*.tsv");
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sFilename)) return false;
          StreamWriter swOutput = new StreamWriter(sFilename, false, Encoding.UTF8);
          int iCount = 0;
          int iMax = oSessions.Length;
          #region WriteColHeaders
          bool bFirstCol = true;
          foreach (ColumnHeader oLVCol in FiddlerApplication.UI.lvSessions.Columns)
            if (!bFirstCol)
            bFirstCol = false;
            swOutput.Write(oLVCol.Text.Replace(chSplit, ""));
            #endregion WriteColHeaders
            #region WriteEachSession
            foreach (Session oS in oSessions)
            if (null != oS.ViewItem)
            bFirstCol = true;
            ListViewItem oLVI = (oS.ViewItem as ListViewItem);
            if (null == oLVI) continue;
            foreach (ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem oLVC in oLVI.SubItems)
              if (!bFirstCol)
              bFirstCol = false;
              swOutput.Write(oLVC.Text.Replace(chSplit, ""));
          if (null != evtProgressNotifications)
            evtProgressNotifications(null, new ProgressCallbackEventArgs(, ));
            ProgressCallbackEventArgs PCEA = new ProgressCallbackEventArgs((iCount/(float)iMax), "wrote " + iCount.ToString() + " records.");
            evtProgressNotifications(null, PCEA);
            if (PCEA.Cancel) { swOutput.Close(); return false; }
        #endregion WriteEachSession
        bResult = true;
        catch (Exception eX)
          MessageBox.Show(eX.Message, "Failed to export");
          bResult = false;
      return bResult;
      public void Dispose()
  3. Compile and load your extension in Fiddler.

See Also

Build extension assemblies to run in both Fiddler Classic versions 2 and 4

In this article