WPF Window Events
The RadWindow is a HeaderedContentControl. Almost all of the exposed events are inherited by the HeaderedContentControl class. The RadWindow adds several additional events for the developers.
The RadWindow raises the following specific events:
Activated - occurs each time the RadWindow gets active. The event handler receives two arguments:
The sender argument contains the RadWindow. This argument is of type object, but can be cast to the RadWindow type.
An EventArgs object.
Closed - occurs after the RadWindow gets closed. The event handler receives two arguments:
The sender argument contains the RadWindow. This argument is of type object, but can be cast to the RadWindow type.
A WindowClosedEventArgs object
HostCreated - occurs when the Host instance of RadWindow gets created and right before RadWindow is visualized. The event handler receives two arguments:
The sender argument contains RadWindow. This argument is of type object, but can be cast to RadWindow.
A HostWindowCreatedEventArgs object.
LayoutChangeStarted - occurs when a layout change operation begins (drag, resize). The event handler receives two arguments:
The sender argument contains the RadWindow. This argument is of type object, but can be cast to the RadWindow type.
An EventArgs object.
LayoutChangeEnded - occurs when a layout change operation ends (drag, resize). The event handler receives two arguments:
The sender argument contains the RadWindow. This argument is of type object, but can be cast to the RadWindow type.
An EventArgs object.
LocationChanged - occurs when the value of the Left or the Top properties changes. The event handler receives two arguments:
The sender argument contains the RadWindow. This argument is of type object, but can be cast to the RadWindow type.
An RoutedEventArgs object.
PreviewClosed - occurs right before the RadWindow gets closed. The event handler receives two arguments:
The sender argument contains the RadWindow. This argument is of type object, but can be cast to the RadWindow type.
A WindowPreviewClosedEventArgs object.
WindowStateChanged - occurs when the value of the WindowState property changes. The event handler receives two arguments:
The sender argument contains the RadWindow. This argument is of type object, but can be cast to the RadWindow type.
An EventArgs object.