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Language Culture Support

A specific language culture can be applied to the buttons of the VirtualKeyboard in addition to the automatic language synchronization feature.

The language of the letter buttons in RadVirtualKeyboard is determined by the currently selected input language of the OS. Changing the input language at runtime won't affect the text in the letter buttons, until you set the SynchronizeCultureWithSystem property of RadVirtualKeyboard to True. This will enable the current input language tracking and it will update the text when the language changes at runtime.

Enabling current language changed tracking at runtime

<telerik:RadVirtualKeyboard SynchronizeCultureWithSystem="True" /> 
The current language of the letters can be changed manually by setting the Culture property of RadVirtualKeyboard.

Setting Bulgarian culture in order to change the language of the letters

virtualKeyboard.Culture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("bg-BG"); 
WPF RadVirtualKeyboard Bulgarian Culture

See Also

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