Progress Bar
By default the RadSplashScreen shows an indeterminate RadProgressBar which notifies the user that something is loading.
You can change this visualization and indicate some progress instead, by setting the IsIndeterminate property of the SplashScreenDataContext to False. This will show a progress bar with minimum value of 0 and maximum of 100.
To control the range and progress of the bar, set the MinValue, MaxValue and ProgressValue properties of SplashScreenDataContext.
Example 1: Showing a progress bar in the splash screen
var dataContext = (SplashScreenDataContext)RadSplashScreenManager.SplashScreenDataContext;
dataContext.Footer = "Filling Up Loading Bar";
dataContext.IsIndeterminate = false;
dataContext.MinValue = 0;
dataContext.MaxValue = 100;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
dataContext.ProgressValue = i;

Hiding Progress Bar
To hide the progress bar, set the IsProgressBarVisible property of the SplashScreenDataContext object to False.
Example 2: Hiding the progress bar
var dataContext = (SplashScreenDataContext)RadSplashScreenManager.SplashScreenDataContext;
dataContext.IsProgressBarVisible = false;