Latest Release Notes
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Q1 2015
You can check the Release Notes for version Q1 2015.
Q3 2014
What's New
Introduced Editor Attribute - RadPropertyGrid now provides support for the new Telerik attribute EditorAttribute that enables the user to define an editor for each property directly in its definition.
Support for custom search - IsFiltered property of PropertyDefinition can be overridden and custom filtering criteria can be defined.
Value property for PropertyDefinition - expose new logic that enables looking up the PropertyDefinition's bound property value directly.
What's Fixed
AutoBindBehavior throws an exception when bound to a read-only CustomTypeDescriptor.
CollectionEditor picker is taller than other inputs in all themes except VisualStudio2013.
Grouped PropertyGrid does not have a scrollbar when Windows8Touch or ExpressionDark theme is applied.
AutoBindBehavior exception when bound to a property without a setter.
CollectionEditorPicker's Height property is greater than the Height of other input controls.
AutoBind behavior sets OneWay binding for properties of type TimeSpan.
CurrentCulture is not respected if EditMode is set to Single.
NullReferenceException is thrown on Tap down on PropertyGrid.
SearchTextBox in RadPropertyGrid is not fully visible when SortAndGroupButtonsVisibility property is set to Collapsed in Windows8Touch theme.
Q2 2014
What's Added
ScrollIntoViewAsync – a method that allows scrolling property into view while virtualization is on. For more information, you can check the Scrolling into View article.
Single EditMode - an edit mode that enables edit of a single property. For more information, you can check the Edit Modes article.
What's Fixed
InvalidCastException is thrown when binding PropertyGrid.Item to collection
InvalidOperationException Sequence contains no elements in PropertyGridField.CreateEditor()
Memory leak with RadPropertyGrid when placed inside a window
BindingMode is OneWay when there is editor template and PropertySetMode is None
NullReferenceException at Telerik.Windows.Controls.Data.PropertyGrid.AutoBindBehavior.BindEditor()
Localization for the Display Attribute does not work with PropertySets
NullReferenceException in GetItemStatusCore method of CollectionEditorPickerAutomationPeer
Optimize PropertyDefinitions processing for not expanded nested properties
Q1 2014
What's Added
ItemChanged event
Editors caching (EnableEditorCaching property with default value True)
Expand/Collapse groups improvements
ReadOnlyEditorState property (Default, ReadOnly, Disabled). You can check this help article for more information.
Custom validation for PropertySets
What's Fixed
Expand/Collapse groups logic does not work correctly in some cases
XamlParse exception when setting Expression_Dark theme at application level
Incorrect BorderBrush in RadPropertyGrid's CollectionEditor template for Expression_Dark theme
InvalidOperationException is thrown due to AutoBind behavior trying to TwoWay bind PropertyDefinitions to ReadOnly properties
NullReferenceException in FlagEnumEditor ValidateValue() method
ArgumentNullException in GetPropertyDescriptorConverter() method
There is a gap among field indicators and nested toggle buttons
The selected item is hidden on hover
Additional indent appears for PropertyDefinitions when PropertyGrid is grouped and Windows8TouchTheme is applied
The content of expand collapse button is not correctly set
Runtime theme exception - Office2013
When RadPropertyGrid is read-only, editors do not have consistent look
Search icon is missing in Office2013Theme
Q3 2013
What's Added
Exposed GroupDefinitions collection and methods for expanding/collapsing a group in Flat RenderMode
Auto-generated NestedProperties for IDynamicMetaObjectProvider types (DynamicObject) support
ICustomTypeDescriptor support for PropertySets
DataAnnotations support for PropertySets
Keyboard navigation with Multiple and Extended selection when RenderMode is Flat
Touch support
Performance optimizations in grouped scenario when expanding/collapsing nested properties
What's Fixed
PropertyGridField does not arrange its content properly if height is larger than its default value
Design time exception for PropertyGridField
PropertyGrid bound to set of items does not work correctly when property definitions are manually generated
Extended range selection is incorrect when PropertyGrid is bound to dynamic data
Extended selection is not correct if the Item is set (not bound)
Incorrect extended selection when using Shift key
Changing visibility of property definitions leads to unexpected scrolling behavior on expanding/collapsing nested fields
BrowsableAttribute is not respected when set through MetadataType
Editors are not styled correctly when theme is set to the control using StyleManager
DataContext is wrong when changing PropertySetMode to None
When defined in a XAML DataTemplate, RadPropertyGrid does not properly raise its AutogeneratingPropertyDefinition event
GroupName cannot be localized through DisplayAttribute
Editors are misaligned when column is resized using PropertyGridColumnResizer (Windows8Theme)
Q2 2013
What's Added
Auto-generated NestedProperties for IDynamicMetaObjectProvider types (DynamicObject) support
FlatRendering mode
ICustomTypeProvider should be supported in .Net4.5 and SL5
KeyboardNavigation + CommandProvider extensibility
Virtualized grouping
CanUserSelect property
Commands + CommandProvider extensibility
TypeConverter support
What's Fixed
AutobindBehavior generates a wrong binding path for nested manually generated PropertyDefinitions
More than one property definition can be selected when in unbound mode and SelectionMode is single or extended
Background property of a field cannot be set through the parent container (should be Transparent by default)/all themes
Expression Blend extracts invalid XAML when copying RadPropertyGrid's Template - Setter.Property cannot be null exception
SelectedPropertyDefinition cannot be set manually
When all of the nested properties of a certain property are Browsable(false) the "+" button of its field is still displayed
Selection does not work on fields containing disabled editors
Ctrl + A does not work in Multiple Selection
Incorrect selection when a property definition is selected in code-behind
AutogeneratedFields bound to nullable numeric properties does not update properly when null value is set. (TargetNullValue = string.Empty)
Single selection does not work correctly on third (and next) level of property definitions
Cannot bind to DataTable elements
Q1 2013
What's Added
Dynamic FontStyles for Windows8 and Windows8Touch themes
GetItemStatusCore() override for automation peers of RadPropertyGrid
Multiple Selection
Support for PriorityBidning and MultiBinding
UI virtualization
FieldLoaded event
Read-only support for CollectionEditor and CollectionEditorPicker
Localization for CollectionEditor's Header
Obsolete: SelectedField property of RadPropertyGrid (SelectedPropertyDefinition should be used instead)
Change: PropertyDefinitionsCollection is now ObservableItemCollection of PropertyDefinition. Performance tip: Notifications should be suspended when bulk insert operations are executed.
Breaking Change: PropertyDefinition's Binding property is now of type BindingBase
What's Fixed
RadPropertyGrid/SearchTextBox overlaps the search icon when you type long search criteria
Header's visibility when SearchBoxVisibility and SortButtonsVisibility are collapsed
Exception is thrown on creating EditorTemplate with framework element that does not have IsEnabled property
Marked PropertyGridFieldEventArgs as obsolete. SelectionChangeEventArgs should be used instead
CollectionEditor's Header Height
Disabled editor caching for dynamic types
When RadPropertyGrid is initially set to IsReadOnly=true, field editors do not change to read-only state
FilterText is not cleared on changing Item
NullRefException on SourceProperty of a PropertyDefinition
Memory optimizations (migrated the formerly QCV dependent logic to IQueriable)
StringFormat is not applied when set to the PropertyDefinition
Unload and load of RadGridView in a sequence result in some incorrect column width measurements
PropertyDefinition cannot be updated in AutoGeneratingPropertyDefinition when bound to dynamic data
Border of editing TextBox is not visible
PropertyChanged is not calling when PropertyGrid is placed in TabControl and switch between tabs
Item is not updated when changing it in case AutoGeneratedPropertyDefinitions is true
Q3 2012 SP1
What's Added
- Localization for CollectionEditor
What's Fixed
SearchTextBox overlaps the search icon when long search criteria is typed
An issue with header visibility when SearchBoxVisibility and SortButtonsVisibility are collapsed
Exception is thrown on creating EditorTemplate with framework element that does not have IsEnabled property
Disabled editor caching for dynamic types
Issue with CollectionEditor's Header height
When RadPropertyGrid is initially set to IsReadOnly= true, field editors do not change to read-only state
Q3 2012
What's Added
New DependencyProperty ItemTemplate for CollectionEditor
OrderIndex is now DependencyProperty
Sorted and Grouped events for RadPropertyGrid.
What's Fixed
Changing Visibility of a PropertyDefinition does not place it in the correct group if the property grid is initially grouped.
FlagEnumEditor support for long values.
IValueConverter is not respected for property definition
Overriding PropertyGridField editor's AutomationID
PropertyGridField's IsExpanded state is not properly persisted on grouping
The UI does not get properly notified of IsExpanded ValueChanged
Selection with VisualStates improved
Assigning null value to nullable numeric properties displays validation errors.
PropertyGridField is now passed as a "container" parameter value for EditorTemplateSelector.SelectTemplate().
Resolved a hash collision with identical PropertyDefinitions that use cached editors.
Occasionally when RadPropertyGrid is in a TabItem changing tabs breaks selection.
Issue with IsReadOnly binding.
Q2 2012 SP2
What's Added
Editor caching. Performance optimization for grouping and filtering.
Support for Nullable
What's Fixed
Guid properties cannot be edited.
Searching does not show some nested properties.
Performance optimizations targeting faster loading when Item is changed with objects of the same type.
NulRefException on clicking many times on sort/group buttons.
Q2 2012 SP1
What's Added
- New DependencyProperty ItemTemplate for CollectionEditor
What's Fixed
Changing Visibility of a PropertyDefinition does not place it in the correct group if the property grid is initially grouped
FlagEnumEditor support for long values
IValueConverter is not respected for property definition
Overriding PropertyGridField editor's AutomationID
PropertyGridField 's IsExpanded state is not properly persisted on grouping
Selection with VisualStates improved
Q2 2012
What's Added
Unbound mode
Better automation support
What's Fixed
An exception is thrown when binding to indexed properties
IValueConverter instance can now be assigned directly through PropertyDefinitons.
Groups based on collapsed PropertyDefinitons should not be generated.
BrowsableAttribute is not respected for nested properties.
Q1 2012 SP1
What's Added
Visibility (SystemWindows.Visibility) property in the PropertyDefinition class. Note: It is bound to an instance’s respective PropertyGridField Visibility
Default editors can now validate on data errors
What's Fixed
NestedProperties are occasionally not extracted correctly when property value is an instance of super type
Set ValidatesOnDataErrors = true on default editors' bindings
Q1 2012
What's Added
Read-only mode for RadPropertyGrid and read-only mode for separate PropertyDefinitions.
RadPropertyGrid: added IsReadOnly property.
PropertyDefinition: added IsReadOnly property.
Hierarchical filtering of nested properties (search in nested properties).
SearchInNestedProperties property.
A default editor for System.Windows.Media.Color.
AutoBind behavior for PropertyGridField DataTemplates.
AutoBindBehavior type.
DataTeplateSelector support for RadPropertyGrid.
EditorTemplateSelector property.
RadPropertyGrid supports binding to a collection of items, constructing union/intersection sets of properties.
PropertySetMode property
PropertySetOperation type
What's Fixed
NestedProperties are occasionally not extracted correctly when property value is an instance of super type
Set ValidatesOnDataErrors = true on default editors' bindings
Q3 2011 SP1
What's Fixed
RadPropertyGridField Height
RadPropertyGrid DisplayName of PropertyDefinitions is now a dependency property to ease MVVM scenarios
PropertyGrid - properly update grouped template when source with different number of groups is used
Changing RadPropertyGrid item will cause index out of range exception
Telerik RadPropertyGrid Q2 2011 Beta
The Telerik RadPropertyGrid has been just added to the Telerik WPF suite.