This article describes the release history of the control.
For the complete Release History of UI for WPF go to What's New Section.
Q1 2014
What's Fixed
- Improve the style of the DragVisual in the Grid part of the control
Q3 2013
What's Fixed
ZIndexManager, ZIndex returns incorrect type for GetValue. CompileTime Error occurs in some clients' solutions
The most of the relation arrow is missing when dragging in the same row in Widnows8Touch theme
Some tasks can be resized only from their most top or bottom edges
An open locking options menu is not closed if you hover another item in the timeline
Exception when resizing a column to its most left position
Adding a child to collapsed task (not visible) throw an exception
When the control is placed inside Docking and one of its columns has its IsFrozenColumn set to true that control overlaps the bounds of the Pane
Q2 2013
What's New
Add interactive Resizable columns
Add IsReorderOperation property to the SchedulingDragDropState class
Add ToolTipTemplate property for the Event, Summary and Milestone containers
Export to image formats (Printing support)
Change the resizers for the Windows8Touch theme to circles in order to be better touchable
What's Fixed
When TimeRulerLine's time range starts before the visible range, this line is rendered outside the time ruler
Column's width restrictions are initially disregarded
Extend the Columns AutoSizing mode with AutoByContent
Exception is thrown when dragging relation from one side of the task to the other
Can only drag task from selected cell
Sometimes when dragging task the wrong task is dragged
Drag reorder operation cannot start from a button control
Null Reference Exception in the Automation Peers when scrolling
Improve Gantt Performance
There is empty space between the summaries and its relations in Windows8 theme
Q1 2013
What's New
Create relations with mouse
Allow drag reorder of tasks
Add interactive Resizable columns
Add UI Automation support
Drop relative position for the grid reorder
Add IsReorderOperation property to the SchedulingDragDropState class
Add Drag&Drop items from external source
Extend the Columns AutoSizing mode with AutoByContent
What's Fixed
GanttView DragCue is missing – only the Drop Cue is visible
The GanttView is not expanded when try to scroll to not visible item
Resizing and dragging Tasks that go out of the ViewPort is not smooth and causes Tasks to flicker
Windows8 Theme: Add padding in the AppointmentItem to make text more readable
When GanttView lost focus the VirtualizedGridPanel don't recycle the items
When the Columns horizontal scroll bar is scrolled to the end and the grid area is enlarged, the headers are not scrolled correctly
When in edit mode of a cell, followed by a non-editable cell, the keyboard navigation is broken
Null reference exception is thrown when trying to ScrollIntoView before the Gantt is loaded
GanttView is not destroyed by the GC, because of the TimelineVisualizationBehavior
Tasks that end after the end of the VisibleRange don't render
When TimeRulerLine's timeRange starts before the visible range, this line is rendered outside the time ruler
Dragging task in the Gantts Grid leads to exception
Exception when expanding collapsed Task with previously added children
Right Click events are handled which prevent the showing of the RadContextMenu
If the SchedulingDragDropBehavior.CanStartDrag returns false, null reference exception is thrown
If item is dragged from GanttView and dropped outside of the control, the item is removed from the Gantt source
If the DesiredSize is larger than 30 000 pixels, the UI elements are not rendered
Q2 2012
What's New
Built-in Drag&Drop functionality is added with a DragDropBehavior for customizing the way the Drag&Drop works. Check here for details.
SpecialSlotsGenerator property is added that allows coloring dates/time in different color using an instance of the IRangeGenerator interface. More information can be found here.
TimeLineFilteringBehavior property is added that allows filtering of the displayed dates/time using an instance of the IRangeGenerator interface.