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This article describes the release history of the control.

For the complete Release History of UI for WPF go to What's New Section.

Q1 2014

What's Fixed

  • Improve the style of the DragVisual in the Grid part of the control

Q3 2013

What's Fixed

  • ZIndexManager, ZIndex returns incorrect type for GetValue. CompileTime Error occurs in some clients' solutions

  • The most of the relation arrow is missing when dragging in the same row in Widnows8Touch theme

  • Some tasks can be resized only from their most top or bottom edges

  • An open locking options menu is not closed if you hover another item in the timeline

  • Exception when resizing a column to its most left position

  • Adding a child to collapsed task (not visible) throw an exception

  • When the control is placed inside Docking and one of its columns has its IsFrozenColumn set to true that control overlaps the bounds of the Pane

Q2 2013

What's New

  • Add interactive Resizable columns

  • Add IsReorderOperation property to the SchedulingDragDropState class

  • Add ToolTipTemplate property for the Event, Summary and Milestone containers

  • Export to image formats (Printing support)

  • Change the resizers for the Windows8Touch theme to circles in order to be better touchable

What's Fixed

  • When TimeRulerLine's time range starts before the visible range, this line is rendered outside the time ruler

  • Column's width restrictions are initially disregarded

  • Extend the Columns AutoSizing mode with AutoByContent

  • Exception is thrown when dragging relation from one side of the task to the other

  • Can only drag task from selected cell

  • Sometimes when dragging task the wrong task is dragged

  • Drag reorder operation cannot start from a button control

  • Null Reference Exception in the Automation Peers when scrolling

  • Improve Gantt Performance

  • There is empty space between the summaries and its relations in Windows8 theme

Q1 2013

What's New

  • Create relations with mouse

  • Allow drag reorder of tasks

  • Add interactive Resizable columns

  • Add UI Automation support

  • Drop relative position for the grid reorder

  • Add IsReorderOperation property to the SchedulingDragDropState class

  • Add Drag&Drop items from external source

  • Extend the Columns AutoSizing mode with AutoByContent

What's Fixed

  • GanttView DragCue is missing – only the Drop Cue is visible

  • The GanttView is not expanded when try to scroll to not visible item

  • Resizing and dragging Tasks that go out of the ViewPort is not smooth and causes Tasks to flicker

  • Windows8 Theme: Add padding in the AppointmentItem to make text more readable

  • When GanttView lost focus the VirtualizedGridPanel don't recycle the items

  • When the Columns horizontal scroll bar is scrolled to the end and the grid area is enlarged, the headers are not scrolled correctly

  • When in edit mode of a cell, followed by a non-editable cell, the keyboard navigation is broken

  • Null reference exception is thrown when trying to ScrollIntoView before the Gantt is loaded

  • GanttView is not destroyed by the GC, because of the TimelineVisualizationBehavior

  • Tasks that end after the end of the VisibleRange don't render

  • When TimeRulerLine's timeRange starts before the visible range, this line is rendered outside the time ruler

  • Dragging task in the Gantts Grid leads to exception

  • Exception when expanding collapsed Task with previously added children

  • Right Click events are handled which prevent the showing of the RadContextMenu

  • If the SchedulingDragDropBehavior.CanStartDrag returns false, null reference exception is thrown

  • If item is dragged from GanttView and dropped outside of the control, the item is removed from the Gantt source

  • If the DesiredSize is larger than 30 000 pixels, the UI elements are not rendered

Q2 2012

What's New

  • Built-in Drag&Drop functionality is added with a DragDropBehavior for customizing the way the Drag&Drop works. Check here for details.

  • SpecialSlotsGenerator property is added that allows coloring dates/time in different color using an instance of the IRangeGenerator interface. More information can be found here.

  • TimeLineFilteringBehavior property is added that allows filtering of the displayed dates/time using an instance of the IRangeGenerator interface.

In this article