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The CalloutPopupService class provides methods and events for showing the RadCallout in an animated Popup. The service exposes the following methods.

The events of the RadCallout are described in the Events help article.

Show RadCallout

To display the RadCallout control you can use the Show() method of the CalloutPopupService. The different overloads of the method are listed below.

  • static void Show(RadCallout callout, FrameworkElement placementTarget, CalloutPopupSettings settings)
  • static void Show(RadCallout callout, FrameworkElement placementTarget)

Close RadCallout

To close the RadCallout control you can use the Close() method of the CalloutPopupService. The different overloads of the method are listed below.

  • static void Close(RadCallout callout)

Close All Shown RadCallouts

To close all opened RadCallout controls you can use the CloseAll() method of the CalloutPopupService.

  • static void CloseAll()

Disable Animation

To globally disable the animation for all Popups elements holding RadCallout controls, CalloutPopupService.IsAnimationEnabled static property can be set to false.

Example 1: Disable Animation

public MainWindow() 
    CalloutPopupService.IsAnimationEnabled = false; 

See Also

In this article