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ViewModelBase class

The ViewModelBase abstract class is designed to serve as a base class for all the model classes in your application. It provides support for property change notifications. Instead of implementing the INotifyPropertyChanged interface in each individual view model, you can directly inherit ViewModelBase.

Example 1: Custom ViewModel that inherits the abstract ViewModelBase class

using Telerik.Windows.Controls; 
public class MyViewModel : ViewModelBase 
    private object selectedItem; 
    public object SelectedItem 
        get { return this.selectedItem; } 
            if (value != this.selectedItem) 
                this.selectedItem = value; 
                OnPropertyChanged(() => this.SelectedItem); 
    private ObservableCollection<Club> clubsCollection; 
    public ObservableCollection<Club> ClubsCollection 
            return this.clubsCollection; 
            this.clubsCollection = value; 
As shown in the previous example the OnPropertyChanged method gives a couple of overloads that can be used.

The ViewModelBase class supports an additional approach for notifying the property change, via the the CallerMemberName attribute which is implemented in the RaisePropertyChanged method.

Example 2: Using the CallerMemberName attribute**:

    public object SelectedItem 
        get { return this.selectedItem; } 
            if (value != this.selectedItem) 
                this.selectedItem = value; 

See Also

In this article