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Data Matrix Settings

The Data Matrix provides a number of settings which allow you to configure its encodation, symbol size, and text encoding.


The encodation determines the type of contents encoded by the Data Matrix barcode. Choosing a proper encodation imposes validation rules, but reduces the barcode size and improves its readability.

The following table lists the supported Data Matrix encodations and provides information about their restrictions and data storing requirements.

Encodation Requirements
ASCII The allowed characters include double-digit numerics and all values from the ASCII table. The double-digit numerics use four bits. The ASCII values in the 0-127 range use eight bits. The ASCII values in 128-255 range use 16 bits.
C40 Used primarily for upper-case alphanumerics. The upper-case alphanumeric characters use 5.33 bits. The lower-case and special characters use 10.66 bits.
Text Used primarily for lower-case alphanumerics. The lower-case alphanumeric characters use 5.33 bits. The upper-case and special characters use 10.66 bits.
X12 Uses the characters from ANSI X12 EDI data set. Each character takes 5.33 bits.
EDIFACT Used to encode ASCII values in the 32-94 range. Each character takes six bits.
Base256 Used to encode characters in the whole ASCII range. Each character takes eight bits.
AsciiGS1 Used to encode FNC1 characters in the ASCII range.

Symbol Size

The SymbolSize property sets the symbol size and shape of the generated barcode. It can be automatically determined by using SquareAuto or RectangleAuto, or specific like Square32x32 or Rectangle16x48.

Text Encoding

The TextEncoding property determines the character encoding that is used to encode the barcode contents. By default, TextEncoding is set to UTF-8, which uses more bits per character and may increase the size of the barcode image.

A Data Matrix example

<Grid Background="White" xmlns:telerikDataViz="using:Telerik.UI.Xaml.Controls.DataVisualization"> 
    <telerikDataViz:RadBarcode Value="" Height="200" Width="200" x:Name="barcode" Foreground="Black"  VerticalAlignment="Top"> 
            <telerikDataViz:DataMatrix  /> 

See Also

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