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Getting Started

The following tutorial demonstrates:

  • Using primitives to build a custom panel element.

  • Using the custom panel element to build a custom RadControl.

  • Using dependency properties.

The example control will contain a filled area and a centered text primitive. A timer will update the text to reflect the current date and time.

tpf-getting-started 001

Create the Element Class

  1. In Visual Studio, create a new Windows Controls Library. In this example the library will be named "RadControlLib001".

  2. Add references to Telerik.WinControls.UI.dll, TelerikCommon.dll and Telerik.WinControls.dll.

  3. Delete "Class1", since we will not need it.

  4. In the controls library add a new class "MyPanelElement.cs".

  5. Replace the MyPanelElement.cs code with the code below.

Notice in the code below:

  • MyPanelElement descends from RadItem so that it can be used in the designer.
  • In the CreateChildElements method the Class property of each primitive is assigned. This allows Telerik Presentation Foundation to apply themes to specific parts of the control.
  • In the CreateChildElements method the TextPrimitive Text property is bound to the CurrentTimeProperty.
  • A standard CLR style property is defined for CurrentTime that wraps the Dependency property. The effect of this configuration of properties is that when the CurrentTime property is changed, either by a timer or elsewhere in the code, the dependency property CurrentTimeProperty value is changed. Then the bound TextPrimitive Text property is assigned the CurrentTimeProperty value and the display updates to show the new time.

Creating MyPanelElement

public class MyPanelElement : RadElement
    TextPrimitive text;
    FillPrimitive background;
    Timer updateTime;
    protected override void CreateChildElements()
        this.text = new TextPrimitive();
        this.text.ZIndex = 2;
        this.text.Margin = new Padding(30);
        this.text.BindProperty(TextPrimitive.TextProperty, this,
        MyPanelElement.CurrentTimeProperty, PropertyBindingOptions.OneWay);
        this.background = new FillPrimitive();
        this.background.GradientStyle = GradientStyles.OfficeGlass;
        updateTime = new Timer();
        updateTime.Interval = 100;
        updateTime.Tick += new EventHandler(updateTime_Tick);
    bool active = true;
    public bool Active
        get { return active; }
            active = value;
            if (!value)
    void updateTime_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        this.SetValue(CurrentTimeProperty, DateTime.Now.ToString());
    public static RadProperty CurrentTimeProperty = 
        RadProperty.Register("CurrentTimeProperty", typeof(string), typeof(MyPanelElement),
    new RadElementPropertyMetadata(null, ElementPropertyOptions.AffectsDisplay));
    public string CurrentTime
        get { return (string)this.GetValue(CurrentTimeProperty); }
        set { this.SetValue(CurrentTimeProperty, value); }

Public Class MyPanelElement
    Inherits RadItem
    Private text_ As TextPrimitive
    Private background As FillPrimitive
    Private updateTime As Timer
    Protected Overloads Overrides Sub CreateChildElements()
        Me.text_ = New TextPrimitive()
        Me.text_.ZIndex = 2
        Me.text_.Margin = New Padding(30)
        Me.text_.BindProperty(TextPrimitive.TextProperty, Me, MyPanelElement.CurrentTimeProperty, PropertyBindingOptions.OneWay)
        Me.background = New FillPrimitive()
        Me.background.GradientStyle = GradientStyles.OfficeGlass
        updateTime = New Timer()
        updateTime.Interval = 100
        AddHandler updateTime.Tick, AddressOf updateTime_Tick
    End Sub
    Private active As Boolean = True
    Public Property ActiveProp() As Boolean
            Return active
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
            active = value
            If Not value Then
            End If
        End Set
    End Property
    Sub updateTime_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        Me.SetValue(CurrentTimeProperty, DateTime.Now.ToString())
    End Sub
    Public Shared CurrentTimeProperty As RadProperty = RadProperty.Register("CurrentTimeProperty", GetType(String), GetType(MyPanelElement), New RadElementPropertyMetadata(Nothing, ElementPropertyOptions.AffectsDisplay))
    Public Property CurrentTime() As String
            Return DirectCast(Me.GetValue(CurrentTimeProperty), String)
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            Me.SetValue(CurrentTimeProperty, value)
        End Set
    End Property
End Class

Create the Control Class

  1. Add a second class to the control library and name it "MyPanel.cs".

  2. Replace the MyPanel.cs code with the code below.

Notice in the code below:

  • MyPanel descends from RadControl.
  • The PanelElement property surfaces the underlying element for general purpose uses. In this example the PanelElement property is used in the theme designer.
  • In the CreateChildItems() method, MyPanelElement is created and added to the root element Children collection.

Creating MyPanel control

public class MyPanel : RadControl
    private MyPanelElement panelElement;
    public MyPanel()
        this.AutoSize = true;
    public MyPanelElement PanelElement
            return this.panelElement;
    public bool Active
            return this.panelElement.Active;
            this.panelElement.Active = value;
    protected override Size DefaultSize
            return new Size(200, 100);
    protected override void CreateChildItems(RadElement parent)
        this.panelElement = new MyPanelElement();

<ToolboxItem(True)> _
Public Class MyPanel
    Inherits RadControl
    Private panelElement As MyPanelElement
    Public Sub New()
        Me.AutoSize = True
    End Sub
    Public ReadOnly Property PanelElementProp() As MyPanelElement
            Return Me.panelElement
        End Get
    End Property
    Public Property ActiveProp() As Boolean
            Return Me.panelElement.ActiveProp
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
            Me.panelElement.ActiveProp = value
        End Set
    End Property
    Protected Overloads Overrides ReadOnly Property DefaultSize() As System.Drawing.Size
            Return New System.Drawing.Size(200, 100)
        End Get
    End Property
    Protected Overloads Overrides Sub CreateChildItems(ByVal parent As RadElement)
        Me.panelElement = New MyPanelElement()
    End Sub
End Class

Testing the Control

  1. Add a new Windows Forms project to the solution to test the control library.

  2. Add a reference to the control library.

  3. Drop the MyPanel control from the ToolBox to the form.

  4. In the Properties Window set the Active property for MyPanel to True.

The control should now look like this:

tpf-getting-started 003

See Also

In this article