The control is shipped with a rich set of themes that allow you to easily build slick interfaces with the look-and-feel of Windows, Office, Outlook, etc. The themes can be easily switched using a single property.
TelerikMetro |
Office2013Dark |
Office2013Light |
Windows 8 |
VisualStudio2012Dark |
VisualStudio2012Light |
TelerikMetroBlue |
Office2010Black |
Office2010Silver |
ControlDefault |
Aqua |
Breeze |
Desert |
HighContrastBlack |
Office2007Black |
Office2007Silver |
Windows7 |
Office2010Blue |
Material |
MaterialTeal |
MaterialBlueGrey |
MaterialPink |
Crystal |
CrystalDark |
Fluent |
FluentDark |