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Import/Export to a Custom File

In order to import/export the scheduler appointments to a custom file you should:

1. Create custom classes for import and export:

public class CustomImporter : ISchedulerImporter
    public void Import(ISchedulerData data, string stringData)
        //TODO Parse the string data and fill
        //data.GetEventStorage().Add( created event );
    public void Import(ISchedulerData data, System.IO.Stream stream)
        //TODO Read stream
        //data.GetEventStorage().Add( created event );
public class CustomExporter : ISchedulerExporter
    public string Export(ISchedulerData data)
        string result = string.Empty;
        //Save events to string value
        //data.GetEventStorage(); - return all events
        return result;
    public void Export(ISchedulerData data, System.IO.Stream stream)
        //Save events to the stream
        //data.GetEventStorage(); - return all events

Public Class CustomImporter
    Implements ISchedulerImporter
    Public Sub Import(ByVal data As ISchedulerData, ByVal stringData As String) Implements ISchedulerImporter.Import
        'TODO Parse the string data and fill
        'data.GetEventStorage().Add( created event );
    End Sub
    Public Sub Import(ByVal data As ISchedulerData, ByVal stream As System.IO.Stream) Implements ISchedulerImporter.Import
        'TODO Read stream
        'data.GetEventStorage().Add( created event );
    End Sub
End Class
Public Class CustomExporter
    Implements ISchedulerExporter
    Public Function Export(ByVal data As ISchedulerData) As String Implements ISchedulerExporter.Export
        Dim result As String = String.Empty
        'Save events to string value
        'data.GetEventStorage(); - return all events
        Return result
    End Function
    Public Sub Export(ByVal data As ISchedulerData, ByVal stream As System.IO.Stream) Implements ISchedulerExporter.Export
        'Save events to the stream
        'data.GetEventStorage(); - return all events
    End Sub
End Class

2. Then you need to pass the instances of these classes to the Import and Export methods of the scheduler:

using (FileStream fileStream = File.Create("file name"))
    this.radScheduler1.Import(fileStream, new CustomImporter());
using (FileStream fileStream = File.Create("file name"))
    this.radScheduler1.Export(fileStream, new CustomExporter());

Using fileStream As FileStream = File.Create("file name")
    Me.RadScheduler1.Import(fileStream, New CustomImporter())
End Using
Using fileStream As FileStream = File.Create("file name")
    Me.RadScheduler1.Export(fileStream, New CustomExporter())
End Using

See Also

In this article