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You can specify a filter for the RadOpenFileDialog and RadSaveFileDialog dialogs in order to indicate to the user which types of files should be opened or saved. To enable this functionality you can set the Filter and FilterIndex properties.

The Filter is a property of type string that determines what file extensions should be used in the drop-down. On the other hand, the FilterIndex property can be used to get or set the index of the filter currently selected in a file dialog.

The index value of the first filter entry is 1.

The string set to the Filter property is parsed in a strict way. So when parsing is not successful, the following ArgumentException is thrown:

Provided filter string is not valid. Filter string should contain a description of the filter, followed by a vertical bar and the filter pattern. Must also separate multiple filter description and pattern pairs by a vertical bar. Must separate multiple extensions in a filter pattern with a semicolon. Example: "Image files (.bmp, .jpg)|.bmp;.jpg|All files (.)|.*"*

Filter in RadOpenFileDialog

To set a filter for the RadOpenFileDialog dialog you can set the Filter property. When this property is not set the drop-down will not appear.

Example 1: Set Filter property of RadOpenFileDialog

RadOpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new RadOpenFileDialog();
openFileDialog.FileName = "Document";
openFileDialog.Filter = "Word Documents|*.doc|Excel Worksheets|*.xls;*.xlsx|" +
                        "PowerPoint Presentations|*.ppt" +
                        "|Office Files|*.doc;*.xls;*.xlsx;*.ppt" +
                        "|Image Files|*.jpg;*.png" +
                        "|Text Files|*.txt;" +
                        "|Archives Files|*.zip;*.rar" +
                        "|All Files|*.*";
openFileDialog.FilterIndex = 2;

Dim openFileDialog As RadOpenFileDialog = New RadOpenFileDialog()
openFileDialog.FileName = "Document"
openFileDialog.Filter = "Word Documents|*.doc|Excel Worksheets|*.xls;*.xlsx|" & "PowerPoint Presentations|*.ppt" & "|Office Files|*.doc;*.xls;*.xlsx;*.ppt" & "|Image Files|*.jpg;*.png" & "|Text Files|*.txt;" & "|Archives Files|*.zip;*.rar" & "|All Files|*.*"
openFileDialog.FilterIndex = 2

Figure 1: Filter Drop-Down Visualization in RadOpenFileDialog

WinForms RadFileDialogs RadOpenFileDialog Filter DropDown

Filter in RadSaveFileDialog

To set a filter for the RadSaveFileDialog dialog you can set the Filter property. When this property is not set the drop-down will appear but will be empty.

Note that the Filter property does not only filter the files in the main pane but also determines the type of the file which will be saved.

Example 2: Set Filter property of RadSaveFileDialog

RadSaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new RadSaveFileDialog(); 
saveFileDialog.FileName = "Document"; 
saveFileDialog.Filter = "Word Documents|*.doc|Excel Worksheets|*.xls;*.xlsx|" +
                        "PowerPoint Presentations|*.ppt" +
                        "|Office Files|*.doc;*.xls;*.xlsx;*.ppt" +
                        "|Image Files|*.jpg;*.png" +
                        "|Text Files|*.txt;" +
                        "|Archives Files|*.zip;*.rar" +
                        "|All Files|*.*"; 
saveFileDialog.FilterIndex = 2; 

    Dim saveFileDialog As RadSaveFileDialog = New RadSaveFileDialog()
    saveFileDialog.FileName = "Document"
    saveFileDialog.Filter = "Word Documents|*.doc|Excel Worksheets|*.xls;*.xlsx|" & "PowerPoint Presentations|*.ppt" & "|Office Files|*.doc;*.xls;*.xlsx;*.ppt" & "|Image Files|*.jpg;*.png" & "|Text Files|*.txt;" & "|Archives Files|*.zip;*.rar" & "|All Files|*.*"
    saveFileDialog.FilterIndex = 2

Figure 2: Filter drop-down visualization in RadSaveFileDialog

WinForms RadFileDialogs Filter DropDown Visualization in RadSaveFileDialog

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