Data binding provides a way to bind the display of data in a RadListControl to a data source. Three properties control data binding:
The DataSource property specifies the source of the data to be bound.
The DisplayMember property specifies the particular data to be displayed in a RadListControl.
The ValueMember property specifies the particular data to be returned as the value of a RadListControl.
Data binding at design time
You can set the DataSource property at design time in the Properties window of Visual Studio.
Select the DataSource property and click the drop-down arrow to display all existing data sources on the form.
Click the Add Project Data Source… link and follow the instructions in the Data Source Configuration Wizard to add a data source to your project. You can use a single database table.
Figure: 1 Setting the DataSource at Design time
Afterwards, you need to specify the DisplayMember and ValueMember properties.
Figure: 2 Setting the DisplayMember and ValueMember properties at Design time
Figure: 3 RadListControl bound at Design time
Data binding at run time
Figure: 4 RadListControl bound at Run time