EnableAlternatingItemColor |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether alternating item color is enabled. |
EnableKineticScrolling |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the kinetic scrolling function is enabled. |
FitItemsToSize |
Gets or sets whether the RadListDataItem will fit to the available size. |
CaseSensitiveSort |
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether text case will be taken into account when sorting. |
ItemHeight |
Gets or sets the item height for the items. This property is disregarded when AutoSizeItems is set to true. |
KeyboardSearchResetInterval |
Gets or sets a value that specifies how long the user must wait before searching with the keyboard is reset. |
KeyboardSearchEnabled |
Gets or sets a value that determines whether the user can search for an item by typing characters when RadListControl is focused. |
Items |
Gets a collection representing the items contained in this RadListControl. |
SelectedItems |
Provides a read only interface to the selected items. In order to select an item, use its Selected property. |
SelectionMode |
Gets or sets the SelectionMode of RadListControl. This property has a similar effect to the SelectionMode of the standard Microsoft ListBox control. |
SelectedValue |
Gets or sets the SelectedValue. A linear search is performed to find a data item that has the same value in its Value property and SelectedItem and SelectedIndex are updated to it and its index respectively. |
ActiveItem |
Gets or sets the active item. The Active item is relevant only in MultiSimple SelectionMode or MultiExtended in combination with the control keyboard key. |
SelectedItem |
Gets or sets the currently selected item. |
SelectedIndex |
Gets or sets the currently selected index. |
DataSource |
Gets or sets the object that is responsible for providing data objects for the RadListElement. Setting this property throws an InvalidOperationException if Items is not empty and the data source is null. |
DataMember |
Gets or sets the name of the list or table in the data source for which the RadListControl is displaying data. |
DisplayMember |
Gets or sets a string which will be used to get a text string for each visual item. This property can not be set to null. Setting it to null will cause it to contain an empty string. |
ValueMember |
Gets or sets the string through which the SelectedValue property will be determined. This property can not be set to null. Setting it to null will cause it to contain an empty string. |
DescriptionTextMember |
Gets or sets the string through which the SelectedValue property will be determined. This property can not be set to null. Setting it to null will cause it to contain an empty string. |
SortStyle |
Gets or sets the sort style. |
ScrollMode |
Gets or set the scroll mode. |
FormatString |
Gets or sets a format string which will be used for visual formatting of the items text. |
FormattingEnabled |
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the FormatString and FormatInfo properties will be used to format the items text. Setting this property to false may improve performance. |
AutoSizeItems |
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether items will be sized according to their content. If this property is true the user can set the Height property of each individual RadListDataItem in the Items collection in order to override the automatic sizing. |
Filter |
Gets or sets a predicate which filters which items can be visible. |
FilterExpression |
Gets or sets a filter expression which determines which items will be visible. |
IsFilterActive |
Gets a value indicating whether there is a Filter or FilterExpression set. |
FindStringComparer |
Gets or sets an object that implements IFindStringComparer. The value of this property is used in the FindString() method when searching for an item. |
ItemTextComparisonMode |
Gets or sets a value that determines whether the FindString() method searches via the text property set by the user or by the text provided by the data binding logic, that is, by DisplayMember. |
SuspendItemsChangeEvents |
Gets or sets a value that indicates if this RadListControl will stop firing the ItemsChanging and ItemsChanged events. |
SuspendSelectionEvents |
Gets or sets a value that determines whether to stop the selection events from firing. These are SelectedIndexChanged, SelectedIndexChanging and SelectedValueChanged. |