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Getting Started with WinForms FontDropDownList

The following tutorial demonstrates how to add a RadFontDropDownList and how to retrieve the selected font.

  1. Add a RadFontDropDownList and a RadLabel to a form.
  2. Set some text to the RadLabel via the Properties section in Visual Studio.

    WinForms RadFontDropDownList Getting Started

  3. Set the DropDownStyle property for the RadFontPopupEditorElement via the Element hierrachy editor:

    WinForms RadFontDropDownList DropDownStyle

  4. Subscribe to the SelectedFontChanged event and use the following code snippet:

private void radFontDropDownList1_SelectedFontChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    FontFamily ff = new FontFamily(this.radFontDropDownList1.SelectedFont);
    if (ff.IsStyleAvailable(FontStyle.Regular))
        Font font = new Font(ff.Name, 10, FontStyle.Regular);
        this.radLabel1.Font = font;
        foreach (FontStyle style in Enum.GetValues(typeof(FontStyle)))
            if (ff.IsStyleAvailable(style))
                Font font = new Font(ff.Name, 10, style);
                this.radLabel1.Font = font;

Private Sub radFontDropDownList1_SelectedFontChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
    Dim ff As FontFamily = New FontFamily(Me.RadFontDropDownList1.SelectedFont)
    If ff.IsStyleAvailable(FontStyle.Regular) Then
        Dim font As Font = New Font(ff.Name, 10, FontStyle.Regular)
        Me.radLabel1.Font = font
        For Each style As FontStyle In [Enum].GetValues(GetType(FontStyle))
            If ff.IsStyleAvailable(style) Then
                Dim font As Font = New Font(ff.Name, 10, style)
                Me.radLabel1.Font = font
                Exit For
            End If
    End If
End Sub

WinForms RadFontDropDownList SelectedFont

This is it! Now, the change in the selection of the RadFontDropDownList instance will be reflected on RadLabel's font.

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