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Smart Tag

In this article we will describe the design time abilities of RadChartView.

A step by step tutorial for design-time data binding is available in the Getting Started article. Advanced design-time editing and customization can be achieved by utilizing the Property Builder of RadChartView.

Here is how the control's Smart Tag looks like:

Figure 1: Smart Tag

WinForms RadChartView Smart Tag Design Time

  • Common Tasks

    • New Theme Manager: Adds a new RadThemeManager component to the form.

    • Edit UI elements: Opens a dialog that displays the Element Hierarchy Editor. This editor lets you browse all the elements in the control.

    • Theme Name: Select a theme name from the drop down list of themes available for that control. Selecting a theme allows you to change all aspects of the controls visual style at one time.

  • Data Binding: RadChartView utilizes the standard WinForms data binding mechanism. A complete example is available in Getting Started.

  • RadChartView Specific Actions:

    • AreaType: Allows you to switch between the three area types – Cartesian, Polar and Pie

    • Series: A collection of ChartSeries – Area, SplineArea, Bar, Line, Spline, Scatter point, Combined series

    • Axes: A collection of Axes

    • SelectionMode: Allows you to define the desired selection mode – None, SingleDataPoint or MultipleDataPoints

    • ShowPanZoom: Defines whether trackball should be enabled

    • ShowTrackBall: Defines whether trackball should be enabled

    • ShowToolTip: Defines whether tooltips should be shown

  • Learning Center: Navigate to the Telerik help, code library projects or support forum.

  • Search: Search the Telerik website for a given string.

All of these properties are also available in the Properties window of Visual Studio.