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Property Description Result
Text Gets or sets the text associated with the drop down button control WinForms RadSplitButton Text
Image Gets or sets the image that is displayed on the button control WinForms RadSplitButton Image
TextAlignment Gets or sets the alignment of the text on the button control WinForms RadSplitButton TextAlignment
TextImageRelation Gets or sets the position of text and image relative to each other WinForms RadSplitButton TextImageRelation
AllowShowFocusCues Indicates focus cues display, when available, based on the corresponding control type and the current UI state WinForms RadSplitButton AlloShowFocusCues
DisplayStyle Specifies the options for display of image and text primitives in the control
DropDownDirection Gets or sets a value indicating the direction in which the dropdown item emerges from its parent container WinForms RadButtons buttons-splitbutton-properties-methods-events 006
ShowArrow Gets or sets a value indicating whether the arrow is shown
Items Gets or set the RadItemOwnerCollection that stores the drop down items


Method Description
ShowDropDown Shows the pop up with items
HideDropDown Hides the pop up with items


Event Description
DropDownOpening Occurs when the drop-down window is about to open
DropDownOpened Occurs when the drop down is opened
DropDownClosed Occurs when the drop down is closed
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