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  • EnableLooping: Gets or sets value indicating that when item position goes beyond the carousel path, it will be displayed again in the beginning of the carousel path.

  • EnableAnimationOnFormResize: Enables or disables the re-animation of RadCarousel on form maximize, minimize or resize.

  • AnimationFrames: Gets or sets the number of animation frames between two positions.

  • AnimationDelay: Gets or sets the delay (in ms) between two frames of animation.

  • EnableAutoLoop: Gets or sets a value indicating that the carousel will loop items automatically.

  • AutoLoopDirection: Gets or sets a value indicating whether carousel will increment or decrement item indexes when in auto-loop mode.

  • AutoLoopPauseCondition: Gets or sets a value indicating when carousel will pause looping if in auto-loop mode.

  • AutoLoopPauseCondition: Gets or sets a value indicating when carousel will pause looping if in auto-loop mode.

  • AutoLoopPauseInterval: Gets or sets a value indicating the interval (in seconds) after which the carousel will resume looping when in auto-loop mode.

  • VirtualMode: with this mode the carousel will only display spesific number of items. This significantly improves the performance when your data source contains a lot of items.

  • VisibleItemCount: Number of items that carousel displays displays when VirtualMode is set to true.

  • Items: Gives access to the items collection.

  • SelectedItem: Allows you to get or set the current item.

  • SelectedIndex: Allows you to get or set the current item using an index.

  • CarouselPath: Gets or sets the path which items will follow when animated.

  • EnableRelativePath: Indicates if the relative point coordinates are use.If set to true each point should be between 0 and 100".

  • OpacityChangeCondition: Sets the way opacity is applied to carousel items.

  • MinFadeOpacity: Indicates the minimum value of the opacity applied to items.

  • AnimationsToApply: Gets or sets value indicating which of the predefined animations will be applied to carousel items.

  • ItemClickDefaultAction: This property allows you to disable the item selection.

  • ItemReflectionPercentage: 0.0 indicates no reflection and 1.0 indicates 100% of the height of the original item.

  • ButtonPrevious: Represents the button moving the items back.

  • ButtonNext: Represents the button moving the items forward.

  • ButtonPositions: Gets or sets the location of the navigation buttons.

  • EasingType: This property controls how the animation is performed. The property can be assigned one of the RadEasingType enumeration members: Linear, InQuad, OutQuad, InOutQuad, InCubic, OutCubic, InOutCubic, InQuart, OutQuart, InOutQuart, InQuint, OutQuint, InOutQuint, InSine, OutSine, InOutSine, InOutExponential, InCircular, OutCircular, InOutCircular, InElastic, OutElastic, InBack, OutBack, InOutBack, InBounce, OutBounce and InOutBounce.

  • EnableKeyboardNavigation: Gets or sets a value indicating whether the keyboard navigation is enabled.


  • NewCarouselItemCreating: Occurs when new data bound carousel item is created.
  • ItemDataBound: Occurs after an Item is data bound.

  • SelectedIndexChanged: Occurs when the SelectedIndex property has changed.

  • SelectedItemChanged: Occurs when the selected items is changed.

See Also

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