Partial Mocking
Partial mocks allow you to mock some of the methods of a class while keeping the rest intact. Thus, you keep your original object, not a mock object, and you are still able to write your test methods in isolation.
Partial mocking can be performed on both static and instance calls.
This is an elevated feature. Refer to this topic to learn more about the differences between both the commercial and free versions of Telerik JustMock.
In the further examples, we will use the following sample class to test:
Sample setup
public class Foo
public static int FooStaticProp { get; set; }
public int Echo(int arg1)
return default(int);
Public Class Foo
Public Shared Property FooStaticProp As Integer
Public Function Echo(arg1 As Integer) As Integer
Return Nothing
End Function
End Class
To use partial mocking you first need to go to elevated mode by enabling Telerik JustMock from the menu. Learn how to do that in the How to Enable/Disable Telerik JustMock topic.
Partially Mock Instance Calls
Example 1 shows how you can use a non mocked instance and still arrange the behavior of one of its methods.
Example 1: Partial mocking of a method
public void ShouldMockInstanceCallPartially()
// Arrange
Foo foo = new Foo();
Mock.Arrange(() => foo.Echo(Arg.IsAny<int>())).Returns((int arg) => arg);
// Act
int actual = foo.Echo(10);
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual(10, actual);
Public Sub ShouldMockInstanceCallPartially()
' Arrange
Dim foo As New Foo()
Mock.Arrange(Function() foo.Echo(Arg.IsAny(Of Integer)())).Returns(Function(arg As Integer) arg)
' Act
Dim actual As Integer = foo.Echo(10)
' Assert
Assert.AreEqual(10, actual)
End Sub
With partial mocks, we are still able to arrange a method call even when we don't use a mock object. Running the above test would pass.
Assert Partial Calls
While not using a mock object in partial mocking, you can still assert that a specific call has been made during the execution of a test. To do that, you should pass the lambda of the method that you are expecting.
Example 2: Assert the behavior of partial mock
public void ShouldAssertCallsPartially()
// Arrange
Foo foo = new Foo();
Mock.Arrange(() => foo.Echo(Arg.IsAny<int>())).Returns((int arg) => arg);
// Act
// Assert
Mock.Assert(() => foo.Echo(10), Occurs.Exactly(2));
Public Sub ShouldAssertCallsPartially()
' Arrange
Dim foo As New Foo()
Mock.Arrange(Function() foo.Echo(Arg.IsAny(Of Integer)())).Returns(Function(arg As Integer) arg)
' Act
' Assert
Mock.Assert(Function() foo.Echo(10), Occurs.Exactly(2))
End Sub
In the Assert section of Example 2, we make sure that the foo.Echo
method has been called exactly two times by passing 10
as an argument. It is not required to enter a specific value for the argument - you can use a matcher instead.
Arrange Static Calls
Another common usage of partial mocks is to arrange a call to a static method/property of a class. Example 3 demonstrates how you can arrange the return value of a static property.
Example 3: Partial mocking of static property
public void ShouldArrangeStaticCallPartially()
// Arrange
Mock.Arrange(() => Foo.FooStaticProp).Returns(10);
// Act
int actual = Foo.FooStaticProp;
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual(10, actual);
Public Sub ShouldArrangeStaticCallPartially()
' Arrange
Mock.Arrange(Function() Foo.FooStaticProp).Returns(10)
' Act
Dim actual As Integer = Foo.FooStaticProp
' Assert
Assert.AreEqual(10, actual)
End Sub