Culture Specific Predefined Formats
Starting with R3 2021, SpreadStreamProcessing exposes the BuiltInNumberFormats static class. This class contains several methods that allow you to get a set of predefined formats. These formats are culture-specific. This means that they depend on the current culture of the operating system. And for example, if you set a currency format you will get the currency symbol for the current culture. Currently, the following methods are exposed:
Method | Format in en-US culture | Description |
GetGeneral | General | Generates the General number format string. |
GetNumber | 0 | Generates a Number number format string. |
GetNumber1 | 0.00 | Generates a Number number format string with 2 decimal places and no thousand separator. |
GetNumber2 | #,##0 | Generates a Number number format string with zero decimal places and using a thousand separator. |
GetNumber3 | #,##0.00 | Generates a Number number format string with 2 decimal places and a thousand separator. |
GetCurrency | $#,##0_);($#,##0) | Generates a Currency number format string with no decimal places and positive and negative format patterns and alignment. |
GetCurrency1 | $#,##0_);[Red]($#,##0) | Generates a Currency number format string with no decimal places and positive and negative format with red digits patterns and alignment. |
GetCurrency2 | $#,##0.00_);($#,##0.00) | Generates a Currency number format string with two decimal places and positive and negative format patterns and alignment. |
GetCurrency3 | $#,##0.00_);[Red]($#,##0.00) | Generates a Currency number format string with two decimal places and positive and negative format with red digits patterns and alignment. |
GetPercent | 0% | Generates a Percent number format string |
GetPercent1 | 0.00% | Generates a Percent number format string with 2 decimal places and no thousand separator. |
GetScientific | 0.00E+00 | Generates a culture dependent Scientific number format string. |
GetFraction | # ?/? | Generates a Fraction number format for up to one digit |
GetFraction1 | # ??/?? | Generates a Fraction number format for up to two digit. |
GetShortDate | m/d/yyyy | Generates a Date number format for short date. |
GetDayMonthYear | d-mmm-yy | Generates a Date number format with day, month and year. |
GetDayMonth | d-mmm | Generates a Date number format with day and month. |
GetMonthYear | mmm-yy | Generates a Date number format with month and year. |
GetHourMinuteAMPM | h:mm AM/PM | Generates a Time number format with hours, minutes and AM/PM. |
GetHourMinuteSecondAMPM | h:mm:ss AM/PM | Generates a Time number format with hours, minutes, seconds and AM/PM. |
GetHourMinute | h:mm | Generates a Time number format with hours and minutes. |
GetHourMinuteSecond | h:mm:ss | Generates a Time number format with hours, minutes and seconds. |
GetShortDateHourMinute | m/d/yyyy h:mm | Generates a Time number format with short date, hours and minutes. |
GetDayMonthLongYear | m/d/yyyy | Generates a Date number format with day, month and year. |
GetNumber4 | #,##0_);(#,##0) | Generates a Currency number format string with no decimal places, a thousand separator, and positive and negative format pattern and alignment. |
GetNumber5 | #,##0_);[Red](#,##0) | Generates a Currency number format string with no decimal places, a thousand separator, and positive and negative format with red digits patterns and alignment. |
GetNumber6 | #,##0.00_);(#,##0.00) | Generates a Currency number format string with two decimal places, a thousand separator, and positive and negative format pattern and alignment. |
GetNumber7 | #,##0.00_);[Red](#,##0.00) | Generates a Currency number format string with two decimal places, a thousand separator, and positive and negative format with red digits patterns and alignment. |
GetCurrency4 | (*#,##0);(*(#,##0);(* "-");(@_) | |
GetCurrency5 | ($*#,##0);($*(#,##0);($* "-");(@_) | |
GetCurrency6 | (*#,##0.00);(*(#,##0.00);(*"-"??);(@_) | |
GetCurrency7 | ($*#,##0.00);($*(#,##0.00);($*\"-\"??);(@_) | |
GetScientific2 | ##0.0E+0 |
Working with the BuiltInNumberFormats class
Example 1 demonstrates how you can get specific format and set it when exporting a cell.