JavaScript Actions
As of Q4 2024 RadPdfProcessing provides support for:
- JavaScript actions associated with documents, pages, form fields, etc.
- Event triggered actions - represent actions that can be executed after a certain event in the respective viewer (e.g. RadPdfViewer, Adobe or a web browser) is triggerred.
JavaScript Actions are represented by the JavaScriptAction class storing in its public Script property the JS content as plain text.
JS actions can be added by using the public Actions property of the following classes:
Class | Collection Type |
Link* | ActionCollection |
BookmarkItem* | ActionCollection |
Widget | WidgetActionCollection |
FormField | FormFieldActionCollection |
RadFixedDocument | DocumentActionCollection |
RadFixedPage | PageActionCollection |
* The existing Action property is obsolete.
Adding a JavaScript Action to a TextBoxField
The following example demonstrates how to create a PDF document with three TextBoxFields where the third field calculates the sum of the values entered in the first two widgets:
RadFixedDocument document = new RadFixedDocument();
TextBoxField field1 = new TextBoxField("Field1");
VariableContentWidget widget1 = field1.Widgets.AddWidget();
widget1.Rect = new Rect(new Size(150, 30));
TextBoxField field2 = new TextBoxField("Field2");
VariableContentWidget widget2 = field2.Widgets.AddWidget();
widget2.Rect = new Rect(new Point(0, 50), new Size(150, 30));
TextBoxField totalField = new TextBoxField("Total");
totalField.IsReadOnly = true;
totalField.Actions.Calculate = new Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.Model.Actions.JavaScriptAction
("AFSimple_Calculate(\"SUM\", new Array (\"Field1\", \"Field2\"));");
VariableContentWidget totalWidget = totalField.Widgets.AddWidget();
totalWidget.Rect = new Rect(new Point(0, 100), new Size(150, 30));