clearGroupTitles() |
Clears all group titles. |
clearSelection(excludeIndex) |
Int |
Unselects all selected tiles except the excludeIndex. The first passed parameter is an integer that contains the index of the tile in the array returned by get_allTiles method. |
dataBind() |
Data binds RadTileList to the current dataSource array, which might be set by the clientDataSourceID, clientDataSource and dataSource properties. |
get_allTiles() |
Array |
Returns Array containing all the tiles in RadTileList. |
get_allTilesIndex(tile) |
RadBaseTile |
Int |
Returns the index of a tile (passed as an argument) in the Array returned by the get_allTiles method |
get_autoPostBack() |
bool |
Returns a value indicating whether a postback to the server will be initiated on tile selection or tile click. |
get_clientDataSource() |
RadClientDataSource |
Returns RadClientDataSource object to which the TileList is data bound |
get_clientDataSourceID() |
string |
Returns the client ID of RadClientDataSource object to which the TileList is data bound. |
get_dataSource() |
Array |
Returns the array to which the TileList is data bound. |
get_element() |
DOM object |
Returns the TileList's main HTML element. |
get_enableDragAndDrop() |
bool |
Returns a value indicating whether the drag and drop functionality is enabled. |
get_groups() |
TileGroupCollection |
Returns Telerik.Web.UI.TileList.TileGroupCollection collection containing all Telerik.Web.UI.TileList.TileGroup items in RadTileList. |
get_height() |
String |
Returns the height of the RadTileList element. |
get_scrollingMode() |
Int |
Returns RadTileList scrollbar mode, where: 1 = Auto mode, 2 = None mode, 4 = Native mode, 8 = Accelerate mode. |
get_selectedTiles() |
Array |
Returns Array containing all selected tiles in RadTileList. |
get_selectionMode() |
Int |
Returns selection mode of RadTileList, where: 1 = None mode, 2 = Single mode, 4 = Multiple mode. |
get_tileByAllTilesIndex(index) |
Int |
RadBaseTile |
Returns a tile by the index in the Array returned by the get_allTiles method. |
get_tileByName(name) |
String |
RadBaseTile |
Returns the first tile, which has Name property set equal to the name parameter. |
get_tileRows() |
int |
Returns the number of tile rows in which the tiles are distributed. |
get_width() |
String |
Returns the width of the RadTileList element. |
getGroup(index) |
Int |
TileGroup |
Retuns Telerik.Web.UI.TileList.TileGroup by provided index in the collecion returned by the get_groups method. |
getGroupIndex(group) |
TileGroup |
Int |
Returns group index in the collectoin returned by the get_groups method. Returns -1 if the group is not found. |
set_autoPostBack(value) |
bool |
Sets a value indicating whether a postback will be initiated when a tile is clicked or selected. |
set_clientDataSource(value) |
RadClientDataSource |
Sets RadClientDataSource object to which the TileList is data bound. |
set_clientDataSourceID(value) |
string |
Sets the client ID of RadClientDataSource object to which the TileList is data bound. |
set_dataSource(data) |
Array |
Sets the the array to which the TileList is data bound. |
set_enableDragAndDrop(value) |
bool |
Sets a value indicating whether a drag and drop functionality is enabled. |
set_groupTitle(group, title) |
Telerik.Web.UI.TileList.TileGroup , string
Sets the title to the provided group. |
set_height(value) |
String/int |
Sets the height of the RadTileList element. |
set_scrollingMode(value) |
Int |
Sets the RadTileList scrolling mode. TheTelerik.Web.UI.TileList.TileListScrollingMode enum can be used instead of an integer, where: 1 = Telerik.Web.UI.TileList.TileListScrollingMode.Auto mode, 2 = Telerik.Web.UI.TileList.TileListScrollingMode.None mode, 4 = Telerik.Web.UI.TileList.TileListScrollingMode.Native mode, 8 = Telerik.Web.UI.TileList.TileListScrollingMode.Accelerated mode. |
set_selectionMode(value) |
Int |
Sets the selection mode of RadTileList. TheTelerik.Web.UI.TileList.TileListSelectionMode enum can be used instead of an integer, where: 1 = Telerik.Web.UI.TileList.TileListSelectionMode.None mode, 2 = Telerik.Web.UI.TileList.TileListSelectionMode.Single mode, 4 = Telerik.Web.UI.TileList.TileListSelectionMode.Multiple mode. |
set_width(value) |
String/int |
Sets the width of the RadTileList element. |
updateTileGroupsState |
Updates the client state data regarding the visibility and the order of the tiles. |