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TileGroupCollection Object

A TileGroupCollection is obtained by calling the get_groups() methodfrom the RadTileList client-side API.

The Telerik.Web.UI.TileList.TileGroupCollection object exposes the following public methods and properties to control its behavior:

TileGroupCollection Client-Side Methods

Name Parameters Return Type Description
add(item) TileGroup Adds the group passed as a parameter to the collection.
clear() Clears the tile groups in the RadTileList.
forEach(function) function Executes the passed function for each group in the collection, while passing the given group as an argument to the said function.
getItem(index) integer RadTileGroup Returns group at the passed index in the collectoin returned by the get_groups RadTileList method.
get_count() integer Returns the number of tile groups in the RadTileList
indexOf(item) RadTileGroup integer Returns the index of the group passed as a parameter. Returns -1 if there is no match.
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