Server-side Programming Overview
While the four RadInput controls (RadTextBox, RadMaskedTextBox, RadDateInput, and RadNumericTextBox) each have their own unique properties for configuring the control for its associated type of values, most of the properties of these controls are common to all four types.
Properties common to all four types
The ReadOnly property specifies whether the control is used for display purposes only, or whether the user can use the control to enter values.
The ToolTip property is a string that appears in a tooltip when the user hovers the mouse over the input control.
The SelectionOnFocus property specifies how the input control behaves when it first gets input focus.
The Label property lets you add a label to the input control.
The EmptyMessage property lets you specify the appearance of the input control when the user has not entered a value.
The ShowButton, ButtonsPosition, and ButtonCssClass properties let you add and configure buttons on the input control.
A variety of style properties let you customize the appearance of the input control in different states.
The Skin property lets you specify a skin to set the look and feel of the input control.
The AutoPostBack, ValidationGroup and CausesValidation properties let you cause a postback that triggers validation, validating the values of other controls on the Web page.
The InvalidStyleDuration property is used to determine how long (in milliseconds) the control will display its invalid style when incorrect data is entered. Must be a positive integer.
The Display property is used to specify if the control will be displayed on the client. When set to false, the control is rendered on the client as invisible and can be shown using the set_display() client-side property.
The WrapperCssClass property specifies the CSS class(es) added to the wrapper element of the RadInput control.
The LabelCssClass property specifies the CSS class(es) added to the label of the RadInput control.
The LabelWidth property specifies the width of the label of the RadInput control.
The DisplayText property allows you to set the display value from the Server to a different value the actual value.Similar to the empty message, but shown even if the input is not empty. This text will be cleared once the user changes the input value.
The Invalid property marks the input as invalid and applies the .riError class to the input. Thus the user is indicated that the enteredvalue is not correct. This propery is not persited in the ViewState. This is done in order to distinguish the client-side and the server-sidevalidation. Additionally, the client-side property value does not affect the server-side property value, but if you set the server-side property to true, theclient-side property will be set to true also.
The ValidationText is a read-only property which returns the date in universal format ( "yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss" )
Properties specific for RadDateInput
For a detailed list with the server-side properties and methods of the control, see the Server-Side API of the RadDateInput class. If you are interested in the most popular ones check below:
The IncrementSettings property specifies how the control changes its value in response to the arrow keys, mouse wheel, and (in the case of RadNumericTextBox) spin buttons. IncrementSettings is a composite property with the following sub-properties:
InterceptArrowKeys: When InterceptArrowKeys is True, the user can use the arrow keys to change the value of the control.See Keyboard Support for details.
InterceptMouseWheel: When InterceptMouseWheel is True, the user can use the mouse wheel to change the value in the control. See Mouse Wheel Support for details.
Step: Step specifies the magnitude by which the value in the control changes with each click of an arrow key, movement of the mouse wheel, or click of the spin button.