RadCloudUpload also supports a number of client-side events that helps you further customize the behavior of the control. Below you can find a list of the available ones that you can use.
OnClientLoad - Occurs after the RadCloudUpload has been fully initialized on the client-side
OnClientFilesSelecting - Occurs when the files are just about to be processed.
OnClientFileSelected - Occurs when a file is selected.
OnClientFileUploading - Occurs when the RadCloudUpload starts to upload the specified file to the Cloud Storage Provider.
OnClientFileUploaded - Occurs when a file has finished uploading to the Cloud Storage Provider.
OnClientFilesUploaded - Occurs when the files has finished uploading to the Cloud Storage Provider.
OnClientFileUploadFailed - Occurs when a file upload has failed due to a server-side error.
OnClientFileUploadRemoving - Occurs when a file is about to be removed from the FileListPanel.
OnClientFileUploadRemoved - Occurs when an uploaded file is removed from the FileListPanel.
OnClientValidationFailed - Occurs when a validation has failed for the selected file.
To use these events, simply write a javascript function that can be called when the event occurs. Then assign the name of the javascript function as the value of the corresponding property: