ASP.NET Core StockChart Overview
The Telerik UI StockChart TagHelper and HtmlHelper for ASP.NET Core are server-side wrappers for the Kendo UI StockChart component.
The StockChart is a specialized control visualizing the price movement of any financial instrument over a certain period of time. StockCharts include extensive touch support and a navigator pane for easy browsing of extended time periods. Generally, StockCharts extend the Telerik UI Chart and share most of its features.
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New to Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core?
To see the component in action, check the examples:
All of the following series types that are supported by the StockChart are also accessible from a Telerik UI Chart:
- Candlestick
- Open-high-low-close (OHLC)
- Column
- Line
- Area
Basic Configuration
The UI for ASP.NET StockChart makes Ajax requests when it is bound to a data source and has to be configured for Ajax binding.
Add the new action method.
The following example demonstrates how to add a new action method which returns data to populate the StockChart.
@(Html.Kendo().StockChart<Kendo.Mvc.Examples.Models.StockDataPoint>() .Name("stockChart") .Title("The Boeing Company (NYSE:BA)") .DataSource(ds => ds.Read(read => read .Action("_BoeingStockData", "Home") )) .DateField("Date") )
<kendo-stockchart name="stockChart" date-field="Date"> <chart-title text=" The Boeing Company (NYSE:BA)"></chart-title> <datasource custom-type="aspnetmvc-ajax" server-paging="true" server-filtering="true" server-grouping="true"> <transport> <read url="@Url.Action("_BoeingStockData", "Financial")"/> </transport> <schema> <model> <fields> <field name="Date" type="date"></field> <field name="Close" type="number"></field> <field name="Volume" type="number"></field> <field name="Open" type="number"></field> <field name="High" type="number"></field> <field name="Low" type="number"></field> <field name="Symbol" type="string"></field> </fields> </model> </schema> </datasource> </kendo-stockchart>
public IActionResult Index() { return View(); } public IActionResult _BoeingStockData() { using (var db = GetContext()) { // Return the data as JSON. return Json( (from s in db.Stocks where s.Symbol == "BA" select new StockDataPoint { Date = s.Date, Open = s.Open, High = s.High, Low = s.Low, Close = s.Close, Volume = s.Volume }).ToList() ); } }
public class StockDataPoint { public DateTime Date { get; set; } public decimal Close { get; set; } public long Volume { get; set; } public decimal Open { get; set; } public decimal High { get; set; } public decimal Low { get; set; } public string Symbol { get; set; } }
Create the data series.
The following example demonstrates how to create the main and the navigator data series.
@(Html.Kendo().StockChart<Kendo.Mvc.Examples.Models.StockDataPoint>() .Name("stockChart") .Title("The Boeing Company (NYSE:BA)") .DataSource(ds => ds.Read(read => read .Action("_BoeingStockData", "Home") )) .DateField("Date") .Series(series => { series.Candlestick(s => s.Open, s => s.High, s => s.Low, s => s.Close); }) .Navigator(nav => nav .Series(series => { series.Line(s => s.Volume); }) ) )
<kendo-stockchart name="stockChart" date-field="Date"> <chart-title text=" The Boeing Company (NYSE:BA)"></chart-title> <datasource custom-type="aspnetmvc-ajax" server-paging="true" server-filtering="true" server-grouping="true"> <transport> <read url="@Url.Action("_BoeingStockData", "Financial")"/> </transport> <schema> <model> <fields> <field name="Date" type="date"></field> <field name="Close" type="number"></field> <field name="Volume" type="number"></field> <field name="Open" type="number"></field> <field name="High" type="number"></field> <field name="Low" type="number"></field> <field name="Symbol" type="string"></field> </fields> </model> </schema> </datasource> <series> <series-item type="ChartSeriesType.Candlestick" open-field="Open" high-field="High" low-field="Low" close-field="Close"></series-item> </series> <navigator> <navigator-series> <series-item type="ChartSeriesType.Line" field="Volume"></series-item> </navigator-series> <select from="new DateTime(2009,02,05)" to="new DateTime(2011,10,07)"></select> </navigator> </kendo-stockchart>
Functionality and Features
- Data Binding—You can bind the StockChart to local or remote data.
- Navigator— The StockChart allows you to represent a pane that is placed at the bottom of the chart that can change the date interval in the main panes.
Next Steps
- Getting Started with the StockChart
- Basic Usage of the StockChart HtmlHelper for ASP.NET Core (Demo)