GridLine Annotations
GridLine annotations are lines or circles that cross the chart grid at a location on the axis, specified by their Value property.
Cartesian GridLine Annotation
In the case of RadCartesianChart, the CartesianGridLineAnnotation represents a vertical or horizontal line that crosses the entire plot area.
Example 1: Adding CartesianGridLineAnnotations
Figure 1: CartesianGridLineAnnotations in RadCartesianChart
Polar Axis GridLine Annotation
PolarAxisGridLineAnnotations represent concentric circles that cross the polar axis at the corresponding Value.
Example 2: Adding PolarAxisGridLineAnnotation
Figure 2: PolarAxisGridLineAnnotations in RadPolarChart
Radial Axis GridLine Annotation
RadialAxisGridLineAnnotations basically represent the radius of a RadPolarChart.
Example 3: Defining RadialAxisGridLineAnnotation
Figure 3: RadialAxisGridLineAnnotations in RadPolarChart
DashArray : Gets or sets a collection of System.Double values that indicate the pattern of dashes and gaps that is used to outline annotations.
Stroke : Gets or sets the System.Windows.Media.Brush that specifies how the annotations outline is painted.
StrokeThickness : Gets or sets the width of the annotations stroke outline.
Axis : The CartesianGridLineAnnotation needs to be associated with horizontal or vertical axis explicitly.
Value (of type object) : The place on the associated axis where the annotation crosses it. When the associated axis is numerical (Linear or Logarithmic) a numeric value is expected and when it is a CategoricalAxis - a category.
Label : The string that is displayed in the label.
LabelDefinition : Defines the position of the annotation label. Check the Annotation Labels help topic for more details.
- Value (of type double) : Specifies the location on the polar axis (the radius), where the grid line will cross.
- Value (of type object) : Specifies the location on the radial axis, where the grid line will cross. When the radial axis is NumericRadialAxis a numeric value is expected and when it is a CategoricalRadialAxis - a category.