Reusing ThemeBuilder Exported Variables Using SCSS


Product ThemeBuilder
Product Version Any


I want to reuse the variables I have exported from ThemeBuilder in my application. How can I achieve this considering I am using the ThemeBuilder output as an npm package with SCSS?


To reuse the variables exported from ThemeBuilder in your application using SCSS, follow these steps:

  1. Check the _tokens.scss file from the SCSS output for the identifier of the variable you want to reuse. For example:

    • For metric and color variables:

      $tb-example-metric: 1px;
      $tb-example-background: hsl(100deg, 50%, 50%);
    • For typography variables:

      $tb-typography: (
      // ...
        example-typography: (
            font-family: '"American Typewriter"',
            font-size: 1rem,
            font-weight: 500,
            line-height: 1,
            letter-spacing: 1px,
      // ...
    • For effect variables:

      $tb-effects: (
      // ...
        example-effect: (box-shadow: (1px 3px 3px 0px green), ),
      // ...
  2. Import the SCSS file where you intend to reuse the specific variable after the _tokens.scss file from the ThemeBuilder output:

    @import '/themebuilder-styles/dist/scss';
    @import './custom-styles.scss'
  3. Refer to the variable in your application's styles using the following SCSS syntax:

    • For metric and color variables:

      .example-element {
          border-width: $tb-example-metric;
          background-color: $tb-example-background;
    • For typography and effect variables:

      .example-element {
          @extend %tb-typography-example-typography;
          @extend %tb-effects-example-effect;

Fluent is the only CSS-based theme in ThemeBuilder. Therefore, in the _tokens.scss file, it uses CSS syntax for the metric and color variables:

:root {
// ...
  --tb-example-background: hsl(100deg, 50%, 50%);
// ...
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