Creating and Styling Component Variants


Product Version 06/07/2023
Product ThemeBuilder Ultimate, ThemeBuilder Enterprise


How can I create a new component variant of the Button by duplicating the base Telerik and Kendo UI components? Next, I want to use the new variant and build upon its custom styles.


  1. Duplicate the Button component:
    • In the Name field, enter Error Button.
    • In the Class name field, enter my-error-button.
  2. Create another variant by duplicating the duplicate that you created in the previous step.
    • In the Name field, enter Circle Error Button.
    • In the Class name field, enter my-circle-error-button.

The steps above will result in the following:

  • A new Error Button component variant will appear. It will inherit all styles from the base Button component.
  • A new Circle Error Button component variant will appear. It will inherit all styles from the base Button component and from the Error Button variant.

Custom variants in ThemeBuilder

The code snippet below demonstrates how to use the component variants in real-life applications. Part of the exported package is the following SCSS targeting the Error Button and Circle Error Button.

$tb-kendo-color-error: #f31700;
$kendo-color-error: $tb-kendo-color-error;

// Some of the Error Button styles 
.my-error-button.k-button.k-button-solid-base {
  background-color: white;
  background-image: linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.02));
  color: $tb-kendo-color-error;
  border-bottom-color: $tb-kendo-color-error;
  border-left-color: $tb-kendo-color-error;
  border-right-color: $tb-kendo-color-error;
  border-top-color: $tb-kendo-color-error;
.my-error-button.k-button {
  border-bottom-width: 2px;
  border-left-width: 2px;
  border-right-width: 2px;
  border-top-width: 2px;

// Circle Error Button styles {
  border-bottom-left-radius: 100px;
  border-bottom-right-radius: 100px;
  border-top-left-radius: 100px;
  border-top-right-radius: 100px;
} {
  width: 50px;
  height: 50px;

To apply these styles work to the Telerik and Kendo UI Button component, set the component's CSS class property to the desired value. The rendered HTML component will look like this:

<button class="k-button k-button-md k-button-solid k-button-solid-base k-rounded-md my-error-button">
  <span class="k-button-text">Error Button</span>

<button class="k-button k-button-md k-button-solid k-button-solid-base k-rounded-md my-error-button my-circle-error-button">
  <span class="k-button-text">Circle Error Button</span>
  • To use the Error Button, set the button's class attribute to my-error-button.

  • To use the Circle Error Button, set the button's class attribute to my-error-button my-circle-error-button in order to chain both class names.

Setting the class attribute depends on the Telerik and Kendo UI components's API for the used technology.

You can see the result from the snippets above this StackBlitz example.

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