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Blazor Report Viewer Overview

Check out also the Native Blazor Viewer built on the top of Telerik UI for Blazor components.

The Blazor Viewer is a component that can be used in Blazor applications. It is built on top of the HTML5 Report Viewer which is the base for the rest of the Web-technologies report viewers as well.


  1. Required Application Version:

    • Blazor 3.1+ application
  2. Required Service:

  3. Required JavaScript libraries:

  4. References to Telerik Kendo UI SASS-Based Themes. (Alternatively, the LESS-Based Themes can be used instead, but they are not compatible with Telerik UI for Blazor.)

Browser Support

The Blazor viewer is based on the HTML5 Report Viewer, thus the client browser should conform to the HTML5 Report Viewer Browser Support.

Demo Project

The complete example can be found in the installation folder of Telerik Reporting: C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\Telerik Reporting Release\Examples\CSharp.