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How to bind Sub Report to Main Report's Data


Product Progress® Telerik® Reporting
Report Item SubReport


Telerik Reporting Expression engine allows you to reuse the data of a parent scope. This includes binding a subreport to the main report's data.

This article provides the required steps for binding the SubReport to the Main Report's Data.


Property path: DataSource
Expression: =ReportItem.DataObject

When the subreport is loaded by a SubReport item in the main report, the sub report will get the data associated with the SubReport item.

  • You can change the scope to a greater parent by using the Parent keyword. For example:
Property path: DataSource
Expression: =ReportItem.Parent.Parent.DataObject


In case you need to display data in a tabular format, another approach for organizing the main report's layout can be found in How to Databind to Collection Properties.

See Also

How to use the ReportItem.DataObject property in expressions.

In this article