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Table of Contents Overview

The table of contents (TOC) provides a summary/overview of the report structure and a set of navigational links to report items in the rendered report and displays the page numbers of the pages where these report items are located. The user can click the entries in the table of contents to navigate to the report page which displays that item. The table of contents is part of the report and can be displayed before or after the report header/footer section. As such it will be included in the page numbering of the report. The following image illustrates the table of contents section during design time and at run-time.

A Preview image of how the TOC section appears in Design and in Run time

The table of contents can be added to the report by enabling it from the report's context menu:

A Preview image of how a TOC section can be added from the Report Context Menu

The TOC section is designed to be displayed at the top/bottom of the entire report document. For that reason, the TOC section of the subreport is ignored.


The position of the TOC section in the report can be controlled via the Position property. This property can be switched between four different states which place the TOC before or after the report header or the report footer section.

At run-time, the table of contents entries are defined by the TocText property of any report section/item/group. Valid values are static text, expressions, or text with embedded expressions. The resulting text will be displayed in the corresponding TOC entry. To form a hierarchical structure of the TOC, you need to set the TocText property of the report groups, the CrossTab/Table groups, the Detail section, and the Report (useful for SubReports). To add a report item to the TOC, you may use the TocText property of that item. However, note that all report items (except the Detail section and the Report itself) produce leaf nodes in the TOC.

The table of contents definition contains a title and a hierarchy of levels. The title text can be configured using the Title property. Its style is controlled via the TitleStyle property.

A Preview image of the TOC Context Menu that appears when the section is right-clicked

The Levels property contains the properties and styles for each TOC level. The hierarchy of levels corresponds to the hierarchical structure of the report sections, items, and groups for which the TocText property is set. The properties and styles of a particular level in the Levels collection will be applied only to TOC entries for report sections/items/groups having the same level in the Report hierarchy.

When the Report hierarchy is deeper (has more levels) than the number of levels defined in the Levels collection, the style of the last TOC level in the collection will be applied to the remaining TOC entries.

When using a report book to combine different reports, each separate TOC will be displayed as part of the report it belongs to. To display a single TOC for all of the reports in the report book, you need to configure a Report Book Table of Contents.

TOC navigational links are handled internally as Bookmark Actions. When the report item/section/group does not have a BookmarkId value, a unique value will be automatically assigned to it at run-time. If you need to set the BookmarkId value, make sure that it is unique in the scope of the whole report (report book), otherwise the TOC navigational links may not work correctly.


The Levels property of the TocSection contains a collection of levels. Each level has its own LeaderSymbol property which defines a single character. This character is used to fill the space between the TOC text and the page number. The default character is a dot (.). To prevent the leader symbol from appearing between the text and the page number, you will need to delete this character. Each level also has a Style property. The style configured there will be applied to all of the TOC entry elements: text, leader symbol, and page number.

When adding a TOC section to the report for the first time, the Levels collection will be empty. In this case, the TOC entries will be styled with a default style and leader symbol. You can add levels and configure them by clicking on the ellipsis button of the Levels property to invoke the levels collection editor.

Adding a Report Item to the Table of Contents

You can add a table of contents to the report and click on entries in the table of contents to jump to specific areas within a report.

  1. In Design view, make sure the Properties pane is visible. Select the report item you want to add to the table of contents. In the Properties pane, type the text that you want to appear in the table of contents in the TocText property, or enter an expression that evaluates to a text.
  2. Repeat step 1 for every report item you want to appear in the table of contents.
  3. Enable the table of contents section from the report's context menu.
  4. Click Preview. The report runs and the table of contents displays the text you created. Click any link to jump to the report page and the exact location of that item.

Report items positioned in the Page Header/Page Footer section of the report cannot be used to create entries in the table of contents. Setting the TocText property of such an item will have no effect.

The order of entries in the table of contents is according to the order of the report items in the report items' collection, and not by the order in which the items appear in the report. Thus, to build a hierarchical table of contents, it is recommended to set the TocText of report/table groups instead of report items.

Alternatively, use the Report Explorer to reorder the items in the corresponding container, so that they appear in the TOC in the desired sequence.

Adding a Report Group to the Table of Contents

You can add a table of contents to the report and click on entries in the table of contents to jump to specific areas within a report.

  1. In Design view, right-click outside the report sections, select View and open up the Group Explorer.
  2. Select a report group that you want to appear in the table of contents. The properties for the selected group appear in the Properties pane.
  3. In the TocText property, type the text you want to appear in the table of contents. Alternatively, click the ellipsis to open the Expression dialog box to specify an expression that evaluates to a text. Typically for a group, the expression you type should match the group expression.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 for every group you want to appear in the table of contents.
  6. Enable the table of contents section from the report's context menu.
  7. Run the report - the table of contents displays the group values. Click any TOC entry to jump to the report page with that group instance.

Adding a Table Group to Table of Contents

You can add a table of contents to the report and click on entries in the table of contents to jump to specific areas within a report.

  1. In Design view, right-click outside the report sections, select View and open up the Group Explorer.
  2. Select a Table, Crosstab or List report item, so the Group Explorer shows the respective groups.
  3. Select a group you want to add to the table of contents, right-click it, and select Group Properties. The properties for the selected group appear in the Edit Table Group dialog.
  4. In the TocText property, type the text you want to appear in the table of contents. Alternatively, click the ellipsis to open the Expression dialog box to specify an expression that evaluates to a text. Typically for a group, the expression you type should match the group expression.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Repeat steps 1-5 for every group you want to appear in the table of contents.
  7. Enable the table of contents section from the report's context menu.
  8. Run the report - the table of contents displays the group values. Click any TOC entry to jump to the report page with that group instance.