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Interactive Action Events Overview

To help developers make their reporting experience more flexible, responsive, and customizable, the report viewers provide event handlers for three types of events associated with interactive actions – Executing, Enter and Leave.

InteractiveActionExecuting event is raised when an interactive action is being triggered, but not yet executed. This provides the ability to cancel the event execution due to some conditions.

InteractiveActionEnter event is raised when the mouse cursor enters the area of a report item with an interactive action defined.

InteractiveActionLeave event is raised when the mouse cursor leaves the area of a report item with an interactive action defined.

All the events provide arguments that contain a reference to the underlying IAction instance and its properties, evaluated during report processing.

Based on the used report viewer, the arguments can contain also:

  • A reference to the element, associated with the action (FrameworkElement for WPF, HTML DOM element for Html5-based viewers).
  • The mouse cursor coordinates in pixels when raising the event (for WinForms and WPF viewers). These coordinates are relative to the report item that triggered the action.

    When the InteractiveActionLeave() event is raised, these coordinates are empty.

  • The client bounds of the current report item in pixels (for WinForms and WPF viewers).

For more information please refer to the related articles about each report viewer:

Event Handler Event Arguments
InteractiveActionExecuting InteractiveActionCancelEventArgs
InteractiveActionEnter InteractiveActionEventArgs
InteractiveActionLeave InteractiveActionEventArgs
Event Handler Event Arguments
InteractiveActionExecuting InteractiveActionCancelEventArgs
InteractiveActionEnter InteractiveActionEventArgs
InteractiveActionLeave InteractiveActionEventArgs
Event Handler
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