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Get Available Document Formats Overview

Public interface for retrieving available document formats.


GET /api/reports/formats


HTTP Status Code Description
200 OK Available document formats retrieved successfully

Response Body

An array containing FormatInfo objects, which represent the available document formats for reports.


  • Request

    GET /api/reports/formats HTTP/1.1
  • Response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        {"name": "PDF", "localizedName": "Acrobat (PDF) file"},
        {"name": "CSV", "localizedName": "CSV (comma delimited)"},
        {"name": "XLS", "localizedName": "Excel 97-2003"},
        {"name": "XLSX", "localizedName": "Excel Worksheet"},
        {"name": "PPTX", "localizedName": "PowerPoint Presentation"},
        {"name": "RTF", "localizedName": "Rich Text Format"},
        {"name": "IMAGE", "localizedName": "TIFF file"},
        {"name": "DOCX", "localizedName": "Word Document"},
        {"name": "XPS", "localizedName": "XPS Document"}
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