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Silverlight Application Overview

The Silverlight Report Viewer and its WCF Reporting Service are no longer supported and deployed with the installation of Telerik Reporting. The last release of Telerik Reporting with included Silverlight Report Viewer is R1 2023.

The Silverlight Report Viewer allows developers to deliver reports produced by Telerik Reporting to any rich application developed with Silverlight. The Silverlight viewer lives entirely on the client side, while the reports and the rendering engine are on the server side (accessible through the Telerik Reporting WCF Service).

The toolbar on the Silverlight Report Viewer provides basic functionality for interacting with the currently-loaded report:

Silverlight report viewer specific properties

In order to use our Silverlight Report Viewer, you need a Silverlight application. In order to create such, you need the following tools installed:

System Requirements

  • Visual Studio 2010 or later.

  • Silverlight 5.

  • The latest version of Silverlight Tools/SDK for Visual Studio 2010+ is needed for development.

  • (optional) Expression Blend.

The Silverlight ReportViewer requires the Telerik Reporting WCF Service. For more information: Telerik Reporting WCF Service.

How it works

The Silverlight ReportViewer control is a composite of Telerik UI for Silverlight controls. The viewer's functionality resides in Telerik.ReportViewer.Silverlight.dll and the viewer's UI in Telerik.ReportViewer.Silverlight.xaml.

The Silverlight ReportViewer control's template can be modified trough the corresponding theme's Telerik.ReportViewer.Silverlight.xaml file and the Silverlight ReportViewer.

The purpose of the Silverlight ReportViewer control is to display Telerik Reports and allow the user to interact with them. Reports are processed and rendered on the server where Telerik Reporting engine and Telerik WCF service run. The Telerik Reporting WCF Service serves reports to the Silverlight ReportViewer, and is responsible for managing the reports state and their resources as images. The report in the viewer is rendered as standard XAML elements, as Canvas and TextBlock, through Telerik Reporting XAML for Silverlight rendering mechanism.

See Also

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