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True Print Overview

This is a legacy report viewer and for new projects our recommendation is to use the latest WebForms Report Viewer - HTML5 Web Forms Report Viewer

This article elaborates on the specifics for printing a report on the client side.

The True printing is the only way to support multi-page reports printing in most of the browsers. The True print is rendering the report in PDF with special settings so when the PDF file opens in browser, the PDF plug-in print dialog is invoked. This functionality is available for the ASP.NET WebForms Report Viewer.

If you want to use the True print, the following requirements must be satisfied:

  • Adobe Reader
  • Disable any other PDF related plug-ins such as Foxit.
  • JavaScript should be enabled in your browser.
  • JavaScript should be enabled in Adobe Reader.
  • UnmanagedCode permission is required due to the used PDF rendering. See Medium Trust Support.

In Firefox 19+ the default viewing option for PDF files is the PDF.js, which is not added as a plug-in and Firefox does not expose the content type viewing preferences - Firefox bugs. Thus, the Adobe PDF plug-in is always active whether or not it is the preferred viewing option. To ensure the print operation in Firefox will be accomplished, clicking the print button would export the report to PDF which will be printed with the available client viewing tools.

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