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processing Element Overview

The Processing element specifies the configuration settings that will be applied during the processing of the report.

<processing> element

Attributes cacheDefinitionProperties - optional boolean attribute. Determines if the report definition properties will be cached during the processing, making them immutable.
Child elements resourceResolver – optional element. Changes the behavior of the default resource resolving mechanism. Only one resourceResolver element can be used in the <processing> element.
Child elements sharedDataSourceResolver – optional element. Changes the behavior of the default shareddatasource resolving mechanism. Only one sharedDataSourceResolver element can be used in the <processing> element.
Child elements graphicsEngine – optional element. Sets the graphics engine used for processing and rendering the reports. Only one graphicsEngine element can be used in the <processing> element.
Parent element Telerik.Reporting - specifies the root element of the Telerik Reporting configuration settings. Only one <processing> element can be used in the Telerik.Reporting element.


XML-based configuration file:

    <processing cacheDefinitionProperties="false">
        <!--The element below sets the graphics engine used for measurement and rendering.
        Available values for engineName: "Skia", "Gdi", "PlatformDependent". Default value: PlatformDependent.-->

        <graphicsEngine engineName="PlatformDependent">

        <!--The element below represents a Path resource resolver:-->
        <!--<resourceResolver provider="path">
                <parameter name="directory" value="c:\\CommonResourcesDirectory\\" />
        <!-- The element below represents a custom implementation of resource resolver-->
        <!-- The typeName should include first the class of the custom ResourceResolver(including the namespace) and the second part, be separated by a comma, is the name of the assembly that will contain that code(can be the same project)
        e.g. "CSharp.Net6.Html5IntegrationDemo.CustomResourceResolver, CSharp.Net6.Html5IntegrationDemo"-->
        <resourceResolver provider="custom">
                <parameter name="typeName" value="Namespace.CustomResourceResolverClass, AssemblyName" />
                <parameter name="constructorParameter1" value="constructorParameterValue1" />
        <!-- The element below represents a custom implementation of a sharedDataSourcer resolver-->
        <!-- The typeName should include first the class of the custom ResourceResolver(including the namespace) and the second part, be separated by a comma, is the name of the assembly that will contain that code(can be the same project)
        e.g. "CSharp.Net6.Html5IntegrationDemo.CustomSharedDataSourceResolver, CSharp.Net6.Html5IntegrationDemo"-->
        <sharedResourceResolver provider="custom">
                <parameter name="typeName" value="Namespace.CustomSharedDataSourceResolverClass, AssemblyName" />
                <parameter name="constructorParameter1" value="constructorParameterValue1" />

JSON-based configuration file:

"telerikReporting": {
    "processing": {
            // The element below sets the graphics engine used for measurement and rendering. Available values for engineName: "Skia", "Gdi", "PlatformDependent". Default value: PlatformDependent.
        "graphicsEngine": {
            "engineName": "PlatformDependent" 
        "cacheDefinitionProperties": "false",
        "resourceResolver": {
            // The element below represents a Path resource resolver:
            //"provider": "path",
            //"parameters": [
            //  {
            //      "name": "directory",
            //      "value": "C:\\Temp\\RestServiceStorage"
            //  }
            // The element below represents a custom implementation of a resource resolver
            //The typeName should include first the class of the custom ResourceResolver(including the namespace) and the second part, be separated by a comma, is the name of the assembly that will contain that code(can be the same project)
            // e.g. "CSharp.Net6.Html5IntegrationDemo.CustomResourceResolver, CSharp.Net6.Html5IntegrationDemo"
            "provider": "custom",
            "parameters": [
                    "name": "typeName",
                    "value": "Namespace.CustomResourceResolverClass, AssemblyName"
                    "name": "constructorParameter1",
                    "value": "constructorParameterValue1"
        "sharedDataSourceResolver": {
            // The element below represents an implementation of a SharedDataSource resolver that uses a path provider:
            //"provider": "path",
            //"parameters": [
            //  {
            //    "name": "directory",
            //    "value": "c:\\CommonSharedDataSources\\"
            //  }

            // The element below represents an implementation of a SharedDataSource resolver that uses a custom type provider
            // The typeName should include first the class of the custom ResourceResolver(including the namespace) and the second part, be separated by a comma, is the name of the assembly that will contain that code(can be the same project)
            // e.g. "CSharp.Net6.Html5IntegrationDemo.CustomSharedDataSourceResolver, CSharp.Net6.Html5IntegrationDemo"
            "provider": "custom",
                "parameters": [
                    "name": "typename",
                    "value": "Namespace.CustomSharedDataSourceResolverClass, AssemblyName"


We provide a mechanism for caching the report definition properties that boosts the performance. Naturally, it prevents modifying the report during the processing stage. The default value of the property is True.

Basically, the Report Events are not intended to be used to modify the report definition, as explained in the Understanding Events article. For that reason, in R3 2016 ( for performance reasons, we introduced a change - cacheDefinitionProperties which caches the report definition properties, so such modifications are not respected. Setting the cacheDefinitionProperties to false will skip the definition item properties caching, which will allow the report definition to be changed in the report events. This may result in a performance penalty though.

Starting with R3 2022 SP1 ( CacheDefinitionProperties was exposed as a Report definition property in the ReportEngineSettings properties collection, so that you may specify it per Report. The property value may be set to Default, True, or False. The Default, which is the default value, lets you specify that the Reporting engine should respect the cacheDefinitionProperties set in its configuration on the project level.

Graphics Engine

The graphicsEngine element sets the graphics engine used for processing and rendering the reports. There are two implementations of the graphics engine: GDI-based and SkiaSharp-based. GDI is not supported on non-Windows platforms for applications that target .NET 7 or higher. Skia implementation has cross-platform support. The active implementation is determined by the value of the engineName element which corresponds with the members of the Telerik.Drawing.Contract.GraphicsEngine enumeration.

If the graphicsEngine element is not present in the configuration file, the PlatformDependent value will be used. Skia implementation is not available in applications that target .NET Framework. They can work only with the GDI graphics engine implementation.

<graphicsEngine> element

Attributes engineName – required string attribute. Determines the type of the Telerik.Drawing.Contract.GraphicsEngine used in the application. Available values:
  • PlatformDependent - the default value. On the Windows platform, the application will use the GDI graphics engine. On non-Windows platforms, the application will use the Skia graphics engine.
  • Gdi - the application will use GDI graphics engine. On non-Windows platforms in applications that target .NET 7 or higher, this will cause runtime exceptions of type PlatformNotSupported to be thrown. For .NET 6 and lower frameworks, this setting will require installing libgdiplus library that handles GDI calls.
  • Skia - the application will use the Skia graphics engine through the SkiaSharp implementation. Can be used on Windows and non-Windows platforms in applications that target .NET 6 or higher framework.


resourceResolver element allows to alter the default resource-resolving mechanism. This element determines which implementation of the Telerik.Reporting.Interfaces.IResourceResolver interface will be used by the processing engine to resolve the resources that are specified in the report definition. Such resources are:

This ResourceResolver is intended to be used in scenarios where the resources are not retrieved from a local file path but rather obtained from a different type of storage. As an example, Telerik Report Server persists its assets in storage that can be file-based or can use an MSSQL or Redis database as a backend. Processing a report definition that has relative paths to its resources would not work in this scenario unless the necessary resources are not placed in folders relative to the root of the Telerik Report Server web application. The custom resource resolver can be used here to provide specific logic that will retrieve the necessary resources as byte arrays using the resource identifier from the report definition.

<resourceResolver> element

Attributes provider – required string attribute. Determines the provider type of the ResourceResolver instance. Only two types are supported:
  • path - Specifies to use an internal ResourceResolver instance that will resolve the resources from a given directory specified in the <parameters> element.
  • custom - Specifies to use a custom ResourceResolver instance that implements Telerik.Reporting.Interfaces.IResourceResolver interface. It will be instantiated at runtime from the type name specified in the <parameters> element.
Child elements parameters – specifies a collection of parameters for the resource resolver in the <resourceResolver> element. Only one parameters element can be used in the <resourceResolver> element.
Supported parameters for path provider
  • name: directory
  • value: the path to the directory that contains the resources to be resolved.
Supported parameters for custom providerThe parameters collection of the custom provider can contain additional entries that will be passed to the constructor of the type. If no additional parameters are specified, the parameterless constructor will be used.
Parent element processing - specifies the parent element of the Telerik Reporting configuration settings.


sharedDataSourceResolver element allows to alter the default shared DataSource(.sdsx)-resolving mechanism. This element determines which implementation of the Telerik.Reporting.Processing.Data.ISharedDataSourceResolver interface will be used by the processing engine to resolve the shared DataSources references that are specified in the report definition.

This SharedDataSourceResolver is intended to be used in scenarios where the .sdsx files are not retrieved from a local file path but rather obtained from a different type of storage. As an example, if a custom Telerik.WebReportDesigner.Services.ISharedDataSourceStorage is implemented where the .sdsx files are stored in a database, then a custom SharedDataSourceResolver would be necessary to provide specific logic that will retrieve the .sdsx XML from the database and will then Deserialize it to an instance of the Telerik.Reporting.DataSource class and return it in the Resolve method.

<sharedDataSourceResolver> element

Attributes provider – required string attribute. Determines the provider type of the SharedDataSourceResolver instance. Only two types are supported:
  • path - Specifies to use an internal SharedDataSourceResolver instance that will resolve the resources from a given directory specified in the <parameters> element.
  • custom - Specifies to use a custom SharedDataSourceResolver instance that implements Telerik.Reporting.Processing.Data.ISharedDataSourceResolver interface. It will be instantiated at runtime from the type name specified in the <parameters> element.
Child elements parameters – specifies a collection of parameters for the resource resolver in the <sharedDataSourceResolver> element. Only one parameters element can be used in the <sharedDataSourceResolver> element.
Supported parameters for path provider
  • name: directory
  • value: the path to the directory that contains the resources to be resolved.
Supported parameters for custom providerThe parameters collection of the custom provider can contain additional entries that will be passed to the constructor of the type. If no additional parameters are specified, the parameterless constructor will be used.
Parent element processing - specifies the parent element of the Telerik Reporting configuration settings.

See Also

In this article