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fontLibrary Element Overview

The FontLibrary configuration element specifies the folders that will be used by the rendering engine when searching for a specific font.

This element is respected only when the PDF rendering extension is used in .NET Core applications under Linux / MacOS. The element is not respected in applications that run on Windows machine or when any other rendering extension is used.

Attributes and Elements

The following sections describe attributes, child elements, and parent elements.

<fontLibrary> element

Attributes useDefaultLocations - determines if the system's default font locations to be included in the search. On Linux machines these folders are /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ and /usr/local/share/fonts. On macOS machines the folder is /Library/Fonts.
Default value: true.
Child Elements fontLocations - Optional element. Adds collection with font locations.
Parent Elements
  • configuration - Specifies the root element in every configuration file that is used by the common language runtime and the .NET Framework applications.
  • Telerik.Reporting - Configures all settings that Telerik Reporting Engine uses.

<fontLocations> element

Attributes No attributes are defined for this element.
Child elements add - Optional element. Adds a font location to the collection.
Parent element fontLibrary

<add> element

path Required attribute. Specifies the path to a fonts folder. The path can be absolute or relative to the current application folder.
searchSubfolders Required attribute. Determines if the subfolders of the specified path will be recursively traversed.
Child elements None
Parent element fontLocations


The following example demonstrates how to configure the reporting engine to skip searching the default font folders and declares which folder will be used for font resolving.

XML-based configuration file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <fontLibrary useDefaultLocations ="false">
                <add path="/usr/customFonts/trueType" searchSubfolders="true"></add>

JSON-based configuration file:

"telerikReporting": {
    "fontLibrary": {
        "useDefaultLocations": "false",
        "fontLocations": [
                "path": "/usr/customFonts/trueType",
                "searchSubfolders": "true"