ToolBar PHP Class Overview

The Kendo UI ToolBar for PHP is a server-side wrapper for the Kendo UI ToolBar widget.

Getting Started


Below are listed the steps for you to follow when configuring the Kendo UI ToolBar for PHP.

Step 1 Make sure you followed all the steps from the introductory article on Telerik UI for PHP—include the autoloader, JavaScript, and CSS files.

Step 2 Create a ToolBar and specify the widget's commands.


    $toolbar = new \Kendo\UI\ToolBar('toolbar');


        //regular button
        array("type" => "button", "text" => "Button"),

        //toggle button
        array("type" => "button", "text" => "Toggle Button", "togglable" => true),

        //split button
            "type" => "splitButton",
            "text" => "Insert",
            "menuButtons" => array(
                array("text" => "Insert above", "icon" => "insert-top"),
                array("text" => "Insert between", "icon" => "insert-middle"),
                array("text" => "Insert below", "icon" => "insert-bottom")

        //button group
            "type" => "buttonGroup",
            "buttons" => array(
                array("spriteCssClass" => "k-tool-icon k-justifyLeft", "text" => "Left", "togglable" => true, "group" => "text-align"),
                array("spriteCssClass" => "k-tool-icon k-justifyCenter", "text" => "Center", "togglable" => true, "group" => "text-align"),
                array("spriteCssClass" => "k-tool-icon k-justifyRight", "text" => "Right", "togglable" => true, "group" => "text-align")

        array("type" => "separator"),

        //custom template
        array("template" => "<input id='dropdown' style='width: 150px;' />", "overflow" => "never"),


Step 3 Output the ToolBar by echoing the result of the render method.

    <?php echo $toolbar->render(); ?>

Event Handling

You can subscribe to all ToolBar events.

Specify Function Names

The example below demonstrates how to subscribe for events by specifying a JavaScript function name.

    $toolbar = new \Kendo\UI\ToolBar('#container');
        array("type" => "button", "text" => "Button"),

    // The 'onClick' JavaScript function will handle the 'click' event of the toolbar

    echo $toolbar->render();
    function onClick() {
        // Handle the show event

Provide Inline Code

The example below demonstrates how to subscribe to events by providing inline JavaScript code.

    $toolbar = new \Kendo\UI\ToolBar('#container');
        array("type" => "button", "text" => "Button"),

    // Provide inline JavaScript code that will handle the 'click' event of the toolbar
    $toolbar->click('function() { /* Handle the show event */ }');

    echo $toolbar->render();


Client-Side Instances

You are able to reference an existing ToolBar instance via the Once a reference is established, use the ToolBar API to control its behavior.

    $toolbar = new \Kendo\UI\ToolBar('#container');
        //regular button
        array("type" => "button", "text" => "Button"),
    echo $toolbar->render();
    $(function() {
        // The constructor parameter is used as a selector for getting toolbar's container
        var toolbar = $("#container").data("kendoToolBar");

See Also

In this article