BottomNavigation PHP Class Overview

The Kendo UI BottomNavigation for PHP is a server-side wrapper for the Kendo UI BottomNavigation widget.

Getting Started


The BottomNavigation provides a set of default API configuration options that can be set during its initialization. Follow the steps below to configure the Kendo UI BottomNavigation for PHP:

Step 1 Make sure you followed all the steps in the introductory article on Telerik UI for PHP—include the autoloader, JavaScript, and CSS files.

Step 2 Create a BottomNavigation:

    $bottomNav = new \Kendo\UI\BottomNavigation('bottomNav');

    $inboxItem = new \Kendo\UI\BottomNavigationItem();
        ->template('<span class="k-bottom-nav-item-icon k-icon k-i-email"></span><span class="k-bottom-nav-item-text">Inbox</span><span id="badgeInbox" style="top:2px; left:55px"></span>')
        ->data(array('view' => 'inbox'))

    $calendarItem = new \Kendo\UI\BottomNavigationItem();
        ->data(array('view' => 'calendar'))

    $profileItem = new \Kendo\UI\BottomNavigationItem();
        ->data(array('view' => 'profile'))


Step 3 Output the BottomNavigation by echoing the result of the render method:

   <?= $BottomNavigation->render() ?>


The Kendo UI BottomNavigation's items configuration allows setting various properties. For the full set, refer to the API reference.

Note: When the items.url configuration is set, the items will be rendered as <a> tags. Otherwise, they will be rendered as <span> tags.

    $bottomNav = new \Kendo\UI\BottomNavigation('bottomNav');

    $inboxItem = new \Kendo\UI\BottomNavigationItem();
        ->template('<span class="k-bottom-nav-item-icon k-icon k-i-email"></span><span class="k-bottom-nav-item-text">Inbox</span><span id="badgeInbox" style="top:2px; left:55px"></span>')
        ->data(array('view' => 'inbox'))

    $calendarItem = new \Kendo\UI\BottomNavigationItem();
        ->data(array('view' => 'calendar'))

    $profileItem = new \Kendo\UI\BottomNavigationItem();
        ->data(array('view' => 'profile'))



The Kendo UI BottomNavigation for PHP allows you to alter the appearance of the component by setting the itemFlow, themeColor, shadow border and fill.

    $bottomNav = new \Kendo\UI\BottomNavigation('bottomNav');

    $inboxItem = new \Kendo\UI\BottomNavigationItem();
        ->data(array('view' => 'inbox'))

    $calendarItem = new \Kendo\UI\BottomNavigationItem();
        ->data(array('view' => 'calendar'))

    $profileItem = new \Kendo\UI\BottomNavigationItem();
        ->data(array('view' => 'profile'))


Event Handling

You can subscribe to the select event by the handler name.

Specify Function Names

The example below demonstrates how to subscribe for events by specifying a JavaScript function name.

    $bottomNavigation = new \Kendo\UI\BottomNavigation('bottomNavigation');

    $inboxItem = new \Kendo\UI\BottomNavigationItem();
        ->data(array('view' => 'inbox'))

    $calendarItem = new \Kendo\UI\BottomNavigationItem();
        ->data(array('view' => 'calendar'))

    $profileItem = new \Kendo\UI\BottomNavigationItem();
        ->data(array('view' => 'profile'))

    echo $bottomNavigation->render();

        function onSelect(e) {
            //handle select event


Client-Side Instances

To reference to an existing BottomNavigation instance, use the method. Once a reference is established, use the API to control its behavior.

The following example demonstrates how to access an existing BottomNavigation instance.

    $bottomNav = new \Kendo\UI\BottomNavigation('bottomNav');

        $(function() {
            // The constructor parameter is used as the 'id' HTML attribute of the BottomNavigation
            var bottomNav = $("#bottomNav").data("kendoBottomNavigation");

See Also

In this article