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Refresh Grid in Detail Template


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How can I refresh a child Kendo UI Grid in a detail template by using an external button?


The following example demonstrates how to refresh a child Grid in a detail template by using an external button in the Grid.

Open In Dojo
    <div id="grid"></div>

      var element = $("#grid").kendoGrid({
        dataSource: {
          type: "odata",
          transport: {
            read: ""
          pageSize: 6,
          serverPaging: true,
          serverSorting: true
        height: 450,
        sortable: true,
        pageable: true,
        detailInit: detailInit,
        dataBound: function() {
        columns: [
            field: "FirstName",
            title: "First Name"
            field: "LastName",
            title: "Last Name"
            field: "Country"
            field: "City"
            field: "Title"
      }).on("click", ".btn-refresh", function(e) {
        var childGrid = $(".k-grid").data("kendoGrid");;

      function detailInit(e) {
          dataSource: {
            type: "odata",
            transport: {
              read: ""
            serverPaging: true,
            serverSorting: true,
            serverFiltering: true,
            filter: { field: "EmployeeID", operator: "eq", value: }
          scrollable: false,
          sortable: true,
          pageable: true,
          toolbar: [{text: "Refresh", className: "btn-refresh"}],
          columns: [
            { field: "OrderID", width: 70 },
            { field: "ShipCountry", title:"Ship Country", width: 100 },
            { field: "ShipAddress", title:"Ship Address" },
            { field: "ShipName", title: "Ship Name", width: 200 }