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Lock and Unlock Grid Columns by Using Toolbar instead of Column Menu


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My Grid does not need the Column Menu anymore.

How can I lock and unlock columns by using checkboxes in the Toolbar instead?


Use the lockColumn and unlockColumn methods. To make changes through a custom control in the Toolbar of the Grid, use a custom Toolbar template.

<div id="grid"></div>

  <script type="text/x-kendo-template" id="template">
    <div class="toolbar">
      <label class="category-label" for="c1">Order ID:</label>
      <input type="checkbox" id="c1" onchange="checkBoxChanged('c1', 'OrderID')" checked/>
      <label class="category-label" for="c2">Ship Name:</label>
      <input type="checkbox" id="c2" onchange="checkBoxChanged('c2', 'ShipName')" checked/>
      <label class="category-label" for="c3">Ship Country:</label>
      <input type="checkbox" id="c3" onchange="checkBoxChanged('c3', 'ShipCountry')" />
      <label class="category-label" for="c4">Ship City:</label>
      <input type="checkbox" id="c4" onchange="checkBoxChanged('c4', 'ShipCity')" />
      <label class="category-label" for="c5">Ship Address:</label>
      <input type="checkbox" id="c5" onchange="checkBoxChanged('c5', 'ShipAddress')" />

    function checkBoxChanged(id, field) {      
      //The Locked Columns feature requires at least one column to be locked at all times.
      if ($("input[type='checkbox']:checked").length == 1){
          $(this).attr("disabled", true);
          $(this).attr("disabled", false);

      var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");

      if (document.getElementById(id).checked) {
      } else {
    $(document).ready(function() {
        dataSource: {
          type: "odata",
          transport: {
            read: ""
          schema: {
            model: {
              fields: {
                OrderID: {
                  type: "number"
                ShipCountry: {
                  type: "string"
                ShipName: {
                  type: "string"
                ShipCity: {
                  type: "string"
                ShipAddress: {
                  type: "string"
          pageSize: 30
        toolbar: kendo.template($("#template").html()),
        height: 540,
        resizable: true,
        pageable: true,
        columns: [{
          field: "OrderID",
          title: "Order ID",
          locked: true,
          lockable: false,
          width: 150
        }, {
          field: "ShipCountry",
          title: "Ship Country",
          width: 300
        }, {
          field: "ShipCity",
          title: "Ship City",
          width: 300
        }, {
          field: "ShipName",
          title: "Ship Name",
          locked: true,
          width: 300
        }, {
          field: "ShipAddress",
          lockable: false,
          width: 400
    #grid .k-grid-toolbar {
      padding: .6em 1.3em .6em .4em;

    .category-label {
      vertical-align: middle;
      padding-right: .5em;

    #category {
      vertical-align: middle;

    .refreshBtnContainer {
      display: inline-block;

    .toolbar {
      float: right;

See Also

In this article