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Grid with a Dynamic Column Header


Product Progress® Kendo UI® Grid for jQuery
Created with version 2020.3.1118


I have a grid with multi-column headers. My grid has two columns - Name and Price. I would like to update their column header dynamically with a date range in UK format selected from external date pickers above the grid.

Since I will need to do that on the client, I need some help with getting the datepicker value and updating the grid.


The Kendo UI Grid with multi-header columns creates them with a data-title attribute equal to the current title of the column. To identify the column that needs to be updated we can use the tilde selector which does a contains search through the thead of the grid.

  1. Create a custom function updateColumnTitle.
  2. Get the Grid instance, the DatePicker instances and their values and generate the new title.
  3. Use the grid thead field to locate the target title and replace it with the new one. grid.thead.find("[data-title~='Price']").html(newTitle);
  4. Call the updateColumnTitle function in the dataBound event of the grid and also in the change event of the DatePickers
    function updateColumnTitle(e){
        var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
        var pickerFromValue = dateFromPicker.value();
        var pickerToValue = dateToPicker.value();
        var newTitle = "Price Range For Dates: From: ";
          newTitle += kendo.toString(pickerFromValue, "d");
        } else {
          newTitle += "Not Selected"

        newTitle += " To: "
          newTitle += kendo.toString(pickerToValue, "d");
        } else {
          newTitle += "Not Selected"
Open In Dojo
    <label for="dateFrom">Date From:</label>
    <input type="text" id="dateFrom" />
    <label for="dateTo">Date To:</label>
    <input type="text" id="dateTo" />
    <br /><br /><br />
    <div id="grid"></div>

      var dateFromPicker = $("#dateFrom").kendoDatePicker({
        culture: "en-GB",
        value:new Date(),
        change: updateColumnTitle

      var dateToPicker = $("#dateTo").kendoDatePicker({
        culture: "en-GB",
        value:new Date(),
        change: updateColumnTitle

      function updateColumnTitle(e){
        var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
        var pickerFromValue = dateFromPicker.value();
        var pickerToValue = dateToPicker.value();
        var newTitle = "Price Range For Dates: From: ";
          newTitle += kendo.toString(pickerFromValue, "d");
        } else {
          newTitle += "Not Selected"

        newTitle += " To: "
          newTitle += kendo.toString(pickerToValue, "d");
        } else {
          newTitle += "Not Selected"

        columns: [
            title: "Price Range For Dates:",
            columns: [
              { field: "name", width: 300 },
              { field: "price", format: "{0:c}" }
          },{ title: "Brand", columns:[{field: "brand"}, {field: "year"}]}
        dataSource: [ { name: "Vauxhall Astra", price:100 , brand: "Vauxhall" , year: 2005} , { name: "Hyundai Sonata", price:1500 , brand: "Hyundai", year: 2003} ],
        dataBound: updateColumnTitle
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