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Dynamic Tooltip in Diagram


Product Progress® Kendo UI® Diagram for jQuery
Created with version 2019.3.917


I would like to show a tooltip for the shapes of the diagram.

  1. How to set the backgroundcolor of tooltip to match the shape color?
  2. Can I customize the tooltip to be used by shapes dynamically?


  1. You can assign the tooltip color dynamically via the content of the tooltip

         g.drawingElement.options.tooltip = {
            content: "<span style='background:" + dataItem.colorScheme + "; float:left;width:100%'>" + dataItem.title + "</span>",
            shared: true
  2. To show the tooltip on condition, include it in the shape visual function

        if(dataItem.hasChildren){ // add to shapes that meet the condition only
            g.drawingElement.options.tooltip = {
                content: "<span style='background:" + dataItem.colorScheme + "; float:left;width:100%'>" + dataItem.    title + "</span>",
                shared: true

The following example demonstrates how to show a tooltip conditionally with a dynamic background color that matches the shape color.

    <div id="diagram"></div>
      var data = [{
        firstName: "Antonio",
        lastName: "Moreno",
        image: "antonio.jpg",
        title: "Team Lead",
        colorScheme: "#1696d3",
        items: [{
          firstName: "Elizabeth",
          image: "elizabeth.jpg",
          lastName: "Brown",
          title: "Design Lead",
          colorScheme: "#ef6944",
          items: [{
            firstName: "Ann",
            lastName: "Devon",
            image: "ann.jpg",
            title: "UI Designer",
            colorScheme: "#ef6944"
        }, {
          firstName: "Diego",
          lastName: "Roel",
          image: "diego.jpg",
          title: "QA Engineer",
          colorScheme: "#ee587b",
          items: [{
            firstName: "Fran",
            lastName: "Wilson",
            image: "fran.jpg",
            title: "QA Intern",
            colorScheme: "#ee587b"
        }, {
          firstName: "Felipe",
          lastName: "Izquiedro",
          image: "felipe.jpg",
          title: "Senior Developer",
          colorScheme: "#75be16",
          items: [{
            firstName: "Daniel",
            lastName: "Tonini",
            image: "daniel.jpg",
            title: "Developer",
            colorScheme: "#75be16"

      function visualTemplate(options) {
        var dataviz = kendo.dataviz;
        var g = new dataviz.diagram.Group();
        var dataItem = options.dataItem;

          g.drawingElement.options.tooltip = {
            content: "<span style='background:" + dataItem.colorScheme + "; float:left;width:100%'>" + dataItem.title + "</span>",
            shared: true

        g.append(new dataviz.diagram.Rectangle({
          width: 210,
          height: 75,
          stroke: {
            width: 0
          fill: {
            gradient: {
              type: "linear",
              stops: [{
                color: dataItem.colorScheme,
                offset: 0,
                opacity: 0.5
              }, {
                color: dataItem.colorScheme,
                offset: 1,
                opacity: 1

        g.append(new dataviz.diagram.TextBlock({
          text: dataItem.firstName + " " + dataItem.lastName,
          x: 85,
          y: 30,
          fill: "#fff"

        g.append(new dataviz.diagram.Image({
          source: "" + dataItem.image,
          x: 3,
          y: 3,
          width: 68,
          height: 68

        return g;

        dataSource: new{
          data: data,
          schema: {
            model: {
              children: "items"
        layout: {
          type: "layered"
        shapeDefaults: {
          visual: visualTemplate
        connectionDefaults: {
          stroke: {
            color: "#979797",
            width: 2

      var diagram = $("#diagram").getKendoDiagram();
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