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Setting Text Color for Scheduler Events Based on the Resource


Product Version
Scheduler for Progress® Kendo UI® 2024.2.514


I am trying to customize the text color of event labels within the Scheduler, not just the background color. The default configuration allows setting the background color of events, but I need to apply specific text colors to these events as well.


To customize the text color of event labels in the Scheduler, use a custom eventTemplate along with the dataBound event to apply styles dynamically. Since the Scheduler resources do not directly support setting the text color, this custom approach involves adding a template for the events and then using a class to apply the desired text color.

  1. Define a custom eventTemplate for Scheduler events. In this template, assign a class to the event's text based on its resources or color:
<script id="event-template" type="text/x-kendo-template">    
  <div>Title: #: title #</div>
      # for (var i = 0; i < resources.length; i++) { #
          <span class="#: resources[i].text #">Attendees:
            #: resources[i].text #
      # } #
  1. Use the dataBound event of the [Scheduler] to apply custom text colors based on the class added in the template:
dataBound: function(e){
    $('.Alex').closest('.k-event').css('color', 'violet');
    $('.Bob').closest('.k-event').css('color', 'green');
   <script id="event-template" type="text/x-kendo-template">        
            <div>Title: #: title #</div>
            # for (var i = 0; i < resources.length; i++) { #
            <span class="#: resources[i].text #">Atendees:
              #: resources[i].text #
            # } #

    <div id="scheduler"></div>
        date: new Date("2013/6/6"),
        eventTemplate: $("#event-template").html(),
        dataBound: function(e){
          $('.Alex').closest('.k-event').css('color', 'violet')
          $('.Bob').closest('.k-event').css('color', 'green')
        dataSource: [
            id: 1,
            start: new Date("2013/6/6 08:00 AM"),
            end: new Date("2013/6/6 09:00 AM"),
            title: "Interview",
            atendees: [1]
            id: 1,
            start: new Date("2013/6/6 11:00 AM"),
            end: new Date("2013/6/6 12:00 PM"),
            title: "Interview 2",
            atendees: [2]
        resources: [
            field: "atendees",
            dataSource: [
              { value: 1, text: "Alex", color: 'lightgreen'},
              { value: 2, text: "Bob" , color: 'lightblue'}
            multiple: true

See Also

In this article