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Data Binding

You can bind the Sankey Diagram to data by using the component's data property. The data object contains the Sankey nodes and links configuration.

Binding to SankeyData

The following example demonstrates how to set the data property.

    <div id="sankey"></div>

      $(document).ready(function () {
        var data = {
          nodes: [
              id: "female",
              label: {
                text: "Female (58%)",
              id: "male",
              color: 'yellow',
              label: {
                text: "Male (42%)",
              id: "< 18",
              label: {
                text: "< 18 years (8%)",
              id: "18-55",
              label: {
                text: "18-55 years (35%)",
              id: "> 55",
              label: {
                text: "> 55 years (19%)",
          links: [
              sourceId: "female",
              targetId: "< 18",
              value: 12,
              sourceId: "female",
              targetId: "18-55",
              value: 32,
              sourceId: "female",
              targetId: "> 55",
              value: 12,
              sourceId: "male",
              targetId: "< 18",
              value: 26,
            },  {
              sourceId: "male",
              targetId: "18-55",
              value: 58,
              sourceId: "male",
              targetId: "> 55",
              value: 24,
        const element = $("#sankey").kendoSankey({          
          data: data


Binding to Flat Data

When the data is present as an array of objects, it needs to be transformed to the SankeyData format.

This is achieved in the below example using the createSankeyData method. It takes an array of data, dimensions, and measure as input parameters and returns an object that conforms to the SankeyData interface. The dimensions refer to the Sankey nodes while the measure refers to the value that will be used to set the value of the links.

    <div id="sankey"></div>
        $(document).ready(function () {
            const trafficData = [
                gender: "Female",
                device: "Tablet",
                age: "< 18",
                value: 4,
                gender: "Female",
                device: "Tablet",
                age: "> 40",
                value: 8,
                gender: "Female",
                device: "Mobile",
                age: "< 18",
                value: 4,
                gender: "Female",
                device: "Mobile",
                age: "18-26",
                value: 24,
                gender: "Female",
                device: "Mobile",
                age: "27-40",
                value: 10,
                gender: "Female",
                device: "Mobile",
                age: "> 40",
                value: 2,
                gender: "Female",
                device: "Desktop",
                age: "18-26",
                value: 11,
                gender: "Female",
                device: "Desktop",
                age: "27-40",
                value: 28,
                gender: "Female",
                device: "Desktop",
                age: "> 40",
                value: 9,
                gender: "Male",
                device: "Mobile",
                age: "< 18",
                value: 4,
                gender: "Male",
                device: "Mobile",
                age: "18-26",
                value: 11,
                gender: "Male",
                device: "Mobile",
                age: "27-40",
                value: 28,
                gender: "Male",
                device: "Mobile",
                age: "> 40",
                value: 9,
                gender: "Male",
                device: "Desktop",
                age: "18-26",
                value: 11,
                gender: "Male",
                device: "Desktop",
                age: "27-40",
                value: 28,
                gender: "Male",
                device: "Desktop",
                age: "> 40",
                value: 9,
            const dimensions = [
                value: (item) => item.gender,
                value: (item) => item.device,
                value: (item) => "Age " + item.age,
            const measure = {
              value: (item) => item.value,
            const data = kendo.dataviz.createSankeyData(trafficData, dimensions, measure);
            const element = $("#sankey").css({ width: 900, height: 300 }).kendoSankey({
                theme: 'sass',
                legend: {
                    position: "bottom"
                style: {
                    maxWidth: 700,
                    height: 250,
                    margin: "auto"
                links: { colorType: 'source' },
                data: data

Customize Nodes from Flat Data

To customize the element instances when the data is an array of objects, transform the data that stores the returned value of the createSankeyData method.

The following example demonstrates this approach by mapping the data.nodes to set the color to lightblue for the nodes with an even id, and lightgreen for the nodes with an odd id.

    <div id="sankey"></div>
      $(document).ready(function() {
        const trafficData = [
            gender: "Female",
            device: "Tablet",
            age: "< 18",
            value: 4,
            gender: "Female",
            device: "Tablet",
            age: "> 40",
            value: 8,
            gender: "Female",
            device: "Mobile",
            age: "< 18",
            value: 4,
            gender: "Female",
            device: "Mobile",
            age: "18-26",
            value: 24,
            gender: "Female",
            device: "Mobile",
            age: "27-40",
            value: 10,
            gender: "Female",
            device: "Mobile",
            age: "> 40",
            value: 2,
            gender: "Female",
            device: "Desktop",
            age: "18-26",
            value: 11,
            gender: "Female",
            device: "Desktop",
            age: "27-40",
            value: 28,
            gender: "Female",
            device: "Desktop",
            age: "> 40",
            value: 9,
            gender: "Male",
            device: "Mobile",
            age: "< 18",
            value: 4,
            gender: "Male",
            device: "Mobile",
            age: "18-26",
            value: 11,
            gender: "Male",
            device: "Mobile",
            age: "27-40",
            value: 28,
            gender: "Male",
            device: "Mobile",
            age: "> 40",
            value: 9,
            gender: "Male",
            device: "Desktop",
            age: "18-26",
            value: 11,
            gender: "Male",
            device: "Desktop",
            age: "27-40",
            value: 28,
            gender: "Male",
            device: "Desktop",
            age: "> 40",
            value: 9,
        const dimensions = [
            value: (item) => item.gender,
            value: (item) => item.device,
            value: (item) => "Age " + item.age,
        const measure = {
          value: (item) => item.value,

        const data = kendo.dataviz.createSankeyData(trafficData, dimensions, measure);

        const links = {
          colorType: "source",
        const sankeyData = {
          nodes: => {
            if ( % 2 === 0) {
              node.color = "lightblue";
            } else {
              node.color = "lightgreen";
            return node;

        const element = $("#sankey").css({ maxWidth: 700, height: 300}).kendoSankey({          
          data: sankeyData,
          links: links
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