Updates the indeterminate state of the TreeView checkboxes. Call it after using the insert / remove API on TreeViews with checkChildren: true. Use to improve performance when checking multiple checkboxes through code.
node jQuery
Optional. The root of the hierarchy that will be looped through. Allows only a subtree to be processed. The default value is the TreeView root.
<div id="treeview"></div>
checkboxes: {
checkChildren: true
dataSource: [
{ text: "foo", expanded: true, items: [
{ text: "bar" },
{ text: "baz" },
{ text: "qux" }
] }
$(":checkbox").filter(function() {
var text = $(this).parent().next().text();
return text != "bar" && text != "foo";
}).prop("checked", true);
var treeview = $("#treeview").data("kendoTreeView");